Chapter 28

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Wild West of the Heart


THE MORNING SUN had kissed me awake. Silvers of light had peeped through the drawn blinds, casting thin golden stripes across my virtuous face. I opened my eyes and slowly, drowsily and lopsidedly - I smiled. Glancing beside me on the bed, I wondered where Arvin was.

My gaze lifted and I sighed in relief as the man was standing by my vanity, buttoning up his t-shirt. I, on the other hand, was far from dressed, the only thing really covering me was my nightgown.

"Good morning," I greeted softly, my cheeks painted pink from both shyness and the events of last night. "Getting dressed so early?"

"Mornin'," Arvin said and shot me a firm nod, causing me to frown slightly.

Getting up from the bed, I wrapped my gown across myself more securely and approached him. He remained calm as I reached up and buttoned the rest of his shirt, my hands moving to linger on his neck, moving closer----

"I can do it," he protested quietly, to which I dutifully ignored him. "The shirt . . . I'll button it."

"I know you can," I said simply. "But I like being with you."

When his shirt was buttoned up, Arvin picked up his cap and popped it onto his head. As he made his way towards the door, he only stopped when I held onto his wrist, pulling him back slightly.

"Faye . . ." he objected so quietly that I almost didn't hear him.

"What's the hurry? I was hopin' to spend a little more time with you."

"I gotta go." He removed his hand from my grasp. "Take care of some business. I'll see you soon."

Furrowing my brows, I crossed my arms, my expression becoming slightly more serious. "And what kind of business would that be exactly?"

He didn't have to respond to me if he didn't want to. Hell, I wouldn't have even been surprised if he didn't as much as give me a second glance before rushing out the door. But since he did, all I could do was stare at him.

"Teach that motherfucker a lesson," he muttered as my mouth parted in shock. Was he talking about . . .?

"No, Arvin!" I interjected quickly. "Maybe you could settle this more calmly and, uh, not get yourself or anyone else harmed -"

"He took advantage of Lenora!" His voice boomed throughout the bedroom walls.

"You don't even have any solid proof, Arvin!"

"Listen here, Faye. I got all the proof that I need. One word from him and I've got solid evidence."

I couldn't believe this guy. Was he so keen on revenge that he wasn't even going to try to look at this rationally? I was right. I knew I was. I was right and he wouldn't listen. I could have explained all damn day and he still wouldn't get it. Arvin's face had become rigid, jaw clamped tight, teeth grinding. It was time for him to get out of here before he did something that he'd regret, that was for sure. So, I nodded.

"Fine," I said, rubbing my tired eyes. "But I'm going with you."

"I'm not letting you," he said, his voice almost pleading-like. "It's too dangerous and I can't let you get hurt."

"I make my own decisions, Arvin. I'm going to confront that preacher with you, and that's final."

"You'll be enterin' dangerous ground if you get involved with me . . ." He looked at me, his eyes concerned and begging me to take back my words. Oh, how I probably should've, but this man didn't know that I was just as stubborn as he was. Wherever he went, I went.

I smirked wildly. "Too late. We're already in too deep."

Arvin narrowed his eyes before gazing at me again, and I could just tell that he may have wanted to tell me off again. Except, he didn't. "If anything happens to you -"

Putting a finger on his lips, I silenced him before he could finish the rest of his pitiful statement. "Nothing will happen. I promise."

He kissed my finger on his lips and nodded.  

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