Chapter 07

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Beginning of the End



With my hand still grasping Wesley's, I practically dragged him over to my saviour from earlier. What a small world it was, huh? I didn't think I'd ever see this man again, and yet, almost a month later, I got to. 

My saviour hadn't noticed me yet, so I called out to him once again, and it was only then when he turned around. He looked at me with slight confusion at first, and then it switched into a knowing look. Interesting. . . He remembered me? Well, I guess I was glad for one thing. 

"Faye!" Wesley complained, roughly snatching his hand away from mine. He pointed a little far away from us where Stanley was standing, grinning as he gestured for the younger boy to come over. As soon as I nodded, he rushed away, leaving me and a timid looking man behind. 

"Is there something you wanted, miss?" He probably assumed that the only reason I was there was because I needed more saving. 

"No, it was because -" And then I noticed the amount of bruises that harbored his face. Some of them were deep gashes with dried up blood, while others looked like they probably stringed. Furrowing my eyebrows, I started anew, "Are you okay?" 

He narrowed his eyes slightly, almost as I had accidentally touched a sensitive topic. Stuffing his hands into his pockets, he looked at anywhere but me. 

"None of your damn business, lady," he muttered rudely before walking the other way. "I have to go."

My frown widened as I  trudded after him. "Hold on, mister! I had a question."

"No time for a questionnaire."

"Please? It won't take long."

And then he paused in his tracks, glancing at me impatiently. I smiled slightly as I said, "For helping me out last time, I wanted to properly thank you. How about lunch at my place -"

He smirked with amusement, and that was enough of an interruption. "Miss, with all due respect, I have no intention of being your one-nighter."

Against my will, a deep blush started to crawl up my neck. "E-Excuse me?" 

He chuckled bitterly. "Was that other man not good enough for you? That you're throwing yourself -"

I jumped forward and fisted the collar of his plaid shirt. He stumbled, a bit taken aback. I could feel the anger boiling through me, and although I wasn't entirely sure what I was going to do next, all I knew was that I needed to teach this egotistical git that he was messing with the wrong person. 

"I'm sorry, I'm truly sorry for your foul thinking." I pushed him away, dusting off nonexistent dirt from my sleeves. I turned on my heel, not facing him as I said one last statement before hurrying to get Wesley so we could go home. "I suppose it's right what people say around here. . ."

"And what would that be, miss?" I heard the man say from behind me, as I could practically feel his gaze burning into the back of my head. I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of seeing my expression, so I stayed still. 

"You're a smart man," I said with finality. "Figure it out on your own."

With that, I left the stunned saviour of mine behind, continuing on my way to my brother. I had just enough of this town and its people for one evening. 

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