𝔹𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕪𝕤 𝕕𝕠𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕟𝕥 ⚠️

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Jughead slowly awoke finding his fists tucked onto the bed sheets, out of tiredness he glanced around the room. Jughead felt a pleasurable feeling coming from below,
'whats going on?' he questioned.
He looked beside him to see betty had gone. The boy slowly sat out of caution when betty came up from the covers. leaning over him, she gently placed her hands onto his shoulders laying him back down, she leaned close to him. Feeling the heat of their body having contact as she kissed him.

"whats going on?.." Jughead mumbled through the kiss slowly.

"be quite Juggie, just try and get some rest I am nearly done." The blonde smirked kissing him one more time before trailing her lips down his body once again.

"but what are yo-" Jughead was paused as he felt her lips press slowly against the tip of his cock. He clenched onto the bed cover lightly as he lifted it to examine what she was doing.
the girl slowly looked up to him.

"I told you to be quite Juggie" Betty smiled at him as she trailed the tip of her tongue around his tip slowly before sliding it slowly into her mouth, Jughead watched, the grip of him holding onto the covers slowly getting tighter.

"B..Betts..." he chocked back on his words.
By now the girl was slowly moving her head up and down, stopping every often to slide her tongue along his dick then back into her mouth.

He groaned softly once as he choked back his words. She had never done anything like this before but here they were.

Jughead couldn't deny that this was one of his fantasies. Because it was. But he never thought it would happen, Betty would not seem the type to take dominance in bed but oh how wrong he was to think she wouldn't.

His dick was hard by now, most likely at its hardest. Jughead moved his hips a little so he hit the back of her throat, yet Betty never stopped. She blushed softly as she placed one of her hands below his balls massaging them gently, the other hand placed at the bottom of his dick, not that she needed it there anyway as the whole thing was practically already inside of her.

Jughead arched his back slightly sliding a hand through his hair as his face tightened a little.

"Baby..." he groaned through his teeth as his cum hit the back of her throat, she continued to move her head up and down, letting him ride out the orgasm, he let out a breathless sigh. She lifted her head as she swallowed his cum and smirked crawling over him and looking into his eyes she kissed him softly.

"Did you enjoy it baby?" she asked innocently, all jughead could do was nod his head. This was one of the very rare moments he had nothing to say.
"Good" Betty smiled once again kissing him, he presumed to kiss her back.

That is when he then sat up, heated and in a sweat. He felt his boxers a little soaked. Jughead pulled the covers up... 'great', he thought. The raven haired boy looked next to him to see the shy blonde asleep. They hadn't done anything with each other yet but oh how they both wish they did.
Jughead quietly stood to see if he had covered any of the sheets as well as his boxers, but lucky enough it was only his boxers that were soaked. He sighed looking back at betty before grabbing a clean pear of underwear and making his way to the bathroom to clean himself up.

'if only that moment was real'

617 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜

𝙽𝚘𝚝 𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚕𝚞𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜

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