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"  Yoon, have you heard? " asked Kim Mingyu, a real estate investor during a night out with their friends.
" What? " Jeonghan answered.
" Hong Ji Soo is back in town, the american guy"
Mingyu answered.
" He's more than just the American- Wait! He's back?" Jeonghan blurted out.
" I need to- yeah i need to go. See you soon " Jeonghan mumbled as he left his associate.

" Hello? Jane can you find me a Hong Ji Soo or a Joshua Hong in the city. Get me an address. I want it tonight."  Jeonghan ordered into his phone as he drives to the office.
" Chan-ah, I'm coming home late today, sleep first I'll get my keys at the office" he says spoke.
" But you do this everyday, hyung. I know you're tired. Urgh okay. Goodbye " Chan said on the other end and hangs up suprisingly quickly for him, a whiner.
As he pulls up to the front of the building and walks straight to his office, where Jane, his assistant was.

" Do you have it?" Jeonghan asked
" Of course Sir, I'm not called the best stalker for nothing " Jane geekyly added
" That's weird Jane. " Jeonghan blankly replied
" Oh okay. its 14 Mawar Street, theres a building, a condo. A Joshua Hong Ji Soo moved in to the penthouse there a week ago. He's also the Hong Ji Soo which is really cool but i already assume you know everyone that matters and stuff" Jane trailed off and slowly went into a mumbling manner.
" Thanks Jane, you're the best. " Jeonghan thanked
" and also, you know i don't like it when you say that stuff" Jeonghan added as he walked into the elevator.

He pulls up to the building. Obviously expensive but it looked nice and cozy. "Very Joshua" he thought to himself.
He walked to the lobby and pickpocketed the security guard's elevator pass and made his way to the highest floor of the not so tall building. He easily picks the lock with his skills he learned from Minghao, who is very multitalented. And quietly steps in and waits for the arrival of his long awaited friend. He locks the door and waits.
As Joshua unlocks the door and walks into his new home his guard was so high he could hear his own heartbeat. his books were alarmingly colour coded, compared to the way he left it, which was arranged by alphabetical order. He grabs a knife from the kitchen drawer and searches the house.
Suddenly he feels warmth but before he could turn around he was already held tight against Jeonghan's chest in a restricting manner.
" Jeonghan i know its you. " Joshua says calmly.
" What? I even wore a different perfume. " Jeonghan disappointedly whined.
" its just your vibe don't you think? " Joshua replied.
Without another word Jeonghan pulls Joshua into an embrace. Joshua hugged back shortly.
" You're still using womens shampoo? " Jeonghan suddenly whispered.
" You use it too bro i can smell it" Joshua replied embarrassed.
As they pulled away the questions of long lost friends came.
They talked for the whole night, two friends, away from each other for 7 years, so many things to talk about.

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