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When Joshua came into the house it looked as if someone had been stabbed.
Chan was teary eyed, holding Jeonghan's hand while they both sat covered in blood in the floor.
Jeonghan had already tied his hand with some cloth, maybe a hanker chief and Chan was putting pressure on it.
"Let's go!" Joshua said as he helped Chan bring Jeonghan to his car.
The car ride was very quiet considering the three of them were together.
Joshua looked in the reer view mirror and saw that Jeonghan was getting sleepy.
"Chan, don't let him sleep. He's loosing blood" Joshua softly said.
Chan softly patted his head to keep Jeonghan awake and started to engage in a conversation.
"i'm sorry for sulking hyung now you're like this because of me." Chan apologised.
" no Chan it's not your fault Chan." Jeonghan slurred his words.
" you didn't put the knife in my hand." Jeonghan continued and tried to laugh.
A few minutes later they arrived at the nearest hospital emergency room and they stitched Jeonghan's hand back up.
After staying for a few hours to ease the pain through  painkillers they allowed Jeonghan to go home.
Jeonghan took a medical leave for two days and was good to go, his hand was rapidly healing too.

With those two days he did some thinking, thinking about the infinite outcomes of his actions.
One wrong move and someone he loved could die,
he couldn't live with himself if that happened.
He would never let that happen.
He also tried to consider telling Chan about his new found 'hobby' but concluded a reckless kid like Chan would walk right into a dangerous situation if he knew what his brother has been doing.
Looking at the clock it was 1340 and Chan's class ended at 2, he picked up his jacket and keys and went to go get Chan.
It has been a long time since Jeonghan went there himself, he'd normally just send someone he was usually caught up with work and meetings at that time of the day but he was on leave so why not?
He pulled up by the sidewalk at exactly 1400 and a few minutes later he saw Chan walking out following his classmates. They waved at Chan but he only smiled back. He didn't see Jeonghan's car so he turned the other way and walked down the sidewalk.
Of course curious cat Jeonghan wanted to see what he does after class.
He parked his car in the nearby parking lot and pulled out a cap, sunglasses and a face mask. Typical korean drama disguises. He followed Chan from a distance, not so far yet not near enough for Chan to notice.
Chan walked into many pawn and antique shops and in every one he goes through the fountain pen isle and the man behind the counter lets him try the pens. He walks with something different, a journal, maybe a notebook. it had nothing noticeable other than being
After stepping out if the last pawn shop on that street he looked around to see if anyone was following him but good thing Jeonghan jumped behind a pillar so he wasn't seen.
He followed Chan to a park and saw him sit down on a bench.

"Why are you following me?" Chan said without turning towards Jeonghan.
" Go away." Chan said coldly.
Complete silence filled the empty park.
The rustle of Jeonghan's footsteps later broke the silence.
" You still haven't told me." Chan stated, expressionless.
" If i could i really would. But Chan this is for your well-being too" Jeonghan sighed.
" Just tell me god damn it." Chan's voice sounded angry.
" i'm sorry" Jeonghan replied.
" You know what hyung? i have something to tell you." Chan started.
" I'm tired of this- this stupid guessing game. Just tell me. i'm not a weak kid anymore. i'm an adult. i can take care of myself so unless you tell me today i can't act like everything is normal and okay.-" Chan let out a raspy breath. "-tell me while i can still trust you." Chan eyes were glossy with uncalled tears.

Hello my dear readers,

I am very sorry if not ashamed by my disappearance and lack of posting and updating on this book. I have gotten into a few, 'entanglements' would be a word to put it. I am truly thankful for your patience and will to read this shitshow of a book. I have a few things to get settled and then i can update more often after that. I hope you all are still here by that time.


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