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After weeks and weeks of taking down the list of people in the notebook there was good news and there was bad news.
The good news was how they kept their mouth shut, no media running around looking for a vigilante, giving them stupid name, Jeonghan didn't want a name, it's not what he's proud of its more of a 'well someone needed to do it' mindset.
The bad news is that the amount of scars that littered Jeonghan's body was abnormal. After a series of 'break in's many of the rich had started to hire huge bodyguards but to compare the slyness of Jeonghan and the size of them? of course Jeonghan won. Think of him like a child that's really good at a game, once you start winning you'd do anything to keep winning.
Even when it means coming home bleeding and sometimes shot.
Good thing Jeonghan's suit was made specifically to absorb the blood before it dripped because it would be a shame if someone took the blood and ran it through samples.
The bad news is also the fact that Chan had gotten suspicious of the occasional late night disappearances following the exhaustion Jeonghan faced the next morning.
All that training and fighting surely gave Jeonghan some muscles, so much more stamina and a far higher pain tolerance.
Jeonghan stretched and took out the notebook, almost all the names were crossed except for a few more the names were most likely a code name, he needed to piece the events together like a puzzle, see who is related to all events, there must be a trace if not maybe a hint of who was behind it.
The last two names were also like this, he had to decode it, link up everything to get a perfect match but today it was too hard, he had been trying to look up the events on his burner laptop for 4 hours but nothing came up. He would have asked Joshua but Jeonghan didn't want to burden him even more than now. Joshua has been helping him for weeks without a complaint, surely there must be if not a cup maybe a drop of regret. But obviously Jeonghan hoped that Joshua didn't feel pressured into helping him, (Joshua is a great partner) he thought.
good with words,
happy and nice,
warm hugs,
fun to talk to
kinda cute-)
"JEONGHAN HYUNG!" Chan angrily snapped.
"i've missed called you 15 times! you didn't pick me up at campus! you didn't even send someone like you usually do, i even forgot my wallet! i had to pawn my favourite fountain pen that i bought with the money i earned from part time jobs to buy a bus ticket! you said you were going to get me! i've been waiting for 3 hours!" Chan yelled. panting from all the yelling.
"Oh Chan i'm so sorry-" Jeonghan tried to say before-
"SHUT UP! you either tell me what's going on with you or i don't want to hear it. do you think i don't know how late you come back from work? how you limp sometimes in the morning? are you even okay? have you been doing bad things?" Chan questions came flowing live a waterfall. His voice broke from flashing back to how Jeonghan didn't talk as much and doesn't spend time sitting down to eat like he used to.
"Chan, i- i um i" Jeonghan tried to explain but he stuttered instead, no lie in his mind at the moment, the truth unable to come out.
" you won't tell me huh?" Chan asked with tears in his eyes but Jeonghan only lowered his head as an apology.
Chan turned and left abruptly but Jeonghan could hear a tiny sob right before Chan ran to his room and locked the door.

"Chan...." Jeonghan knocked softly and leaned against the door of Chan's room.
The door was locked and he could easily pick it but what was the point of barging in? it wouldn't change Chan's mind especially since Jeonghan can't tell Chan what he has been doing these past weeks.

(he must've felt so lonely) Jeonghan thought.
it was understandable, Chan wasn't that amazing with making friends, maybe some classmates to talk to but not someone that he likes to hang out with or have lunch with.

Lee Chan has always been in Jeonghan's shadow, of course Jeonghan denies this and treats him with all the love he can give but it's just true.
Life was already set in stone for Jeonghan, study business, law, live the same day over and over, Jeonghan's life was steady, no milestones or setbacks after their parent's death it was just working up to the age he can take the mantle.

Chan however had something Jeonghan didn't have, choice.
Chan could study whatever he wanted, he didn't have to work for Yoon Steelworks if he didn't want to.
Jeonghan gave him that choice.
Chan could choose what job he would want to take up maybe open a cafe or start a dance studio, join a kpop group or become a doctor, Jeonghan didn't have that choice.

But in the end it was hard for the both of them.

"Go away." the voice behind the door replied soft enough for Jeonghan to miss but he heard.
He just acted like he didn't.
" i brought you a ripe apple. i can cut it for you.
i-i can cut it right now." Jeonghan tried to make his voice sound happy but it was cracking anyways. He had brought a fruit knife and a plate to put the peel on.

As he cut the apple the train of thought had taken over his mind.
As he sliced the skin off the apple the knife slipped and he felt a stinging pain in his hand.
He had cut the palm of his hand, deeply.
He probably sliced a blood vessel considering how much blood was flowing out.
He let out a small scream out of shock from seeing his own blood. it hurt like hell but it was manageable for his tolerance. As he tried put pressure on it he let go of the knife, the sound of clattering metal then he accidentally shifted his position and the glass plate holding the apple came crashing down, shattering into pieces with a deafening sound.
" Ah shit!" Jeonghan reacted to the plate falling but his voice sounded like he was in pain.
his white shirt covered in his own blood.
the door opened swiftly and Chan just stood there for a few seconds in shock.
"you're bleeding!" Chan panicked.
"You need to go to the hospital! Do i drive you? No i can't drive under pressure. Do i call someone? Who do i call?" Chan babbled out of panic.
"Joshua." Jeonghan passed his phone, Jeonghan's voice was getting unsteady from the blood lost.
"what's the password?" Chan questioned.
" Your birthday" Jeonghan replied weakly.

Home screen.
(Joshua :3) .
"Hello? Jeonghan?"
"what? i'm on my way there!"

(a/n) i'm sorry i'm so busy hahah i'm literally starting this chapter at 5 in the morning because we don't get free time until 6 in the afternoon.

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