8 (a/n)

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(a/n) people are actually reading this, i am truly honoured and also truly sorry for my ridiculous writing. i appreciate you all. thank you. sorry only a short update for today! your reads have already made my day

im taking a short break but i'll be back on sunday! take care and drink water!

it was a beautiful saturday morning and the early morning breeze flowed in through the open windows, the sheer sunlight peering through the curtains as they flap lightly.
"who on earth opened my windows?" a sleepy Chan woke up.
"Chan! Wake up its already 8!" a yell echoed from the other side of his door.

"the hell are you so early on a saturday morning for?" Chan complained moodily.
"i made breakfast, it wouldn't be breakfast if you wake up at 11" a chirpy Jeonghan sang, his voice was too loud for a saturday morning.
"i bet you woke up the neighbours" Chan muttered under his breath

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