When it Rains

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Sal refused to leave his house. No way would he be caught anywhere outside. Why? It was storming pretty hard outside. The sky was filled with dark gray clouds that sealed away any sunlight from entering. It looked as though it was evening time when it was only one in the afternoon. Heavy bulbs of rain pattered onto windows, the sound echoing through the house. The sound of thunder rattled Sal's skull in the worst way and seeing the claps of lightning illuminate inside made him jump each time.

The cherry on top of everything was the power was out because of the storm. He was home alone and had no way of blocking out the sounds and sights that overwhelmed him. He wanted to call Q, but he didn't want to bother him with the silly inconvenience of having to coax his boyfriend through a petty storm.

But to his surprise, he wouldn't have to make any calls. His doorbell rang twice, the first one he couldn't hear over the sound of thunder rumbling outside. Shakily Sal answers the door and sees Q drenched in rain standing outside of his door with a shy little smile.

"What in the heaven's name is wrong with you?! Get inside you'll catch a cold!" Sal grabs him by his wrist and drags him inside. The warm air of the house hits Q and relief washes over him. "And make sure to take your shoes off."

"I know the drill Sally don't worry." He removes his shoes as told and leaves them by the front door. His arms wrap around himself to warm his goose-bumped freezing skin.

"Don't tell me you walked here like a nut case." Sal said synching his eyes shut for a moment as lightning struck down again outside.

"Well that's why I came because I know how you are about storms. But I didn't walk here, no. I'm crazy but not that crazy Sal." Sal's face goes soft as he pouts out his lip. Q cared so much that he didn't even need to make a call, he just came to provide him with love and comfort during a nerve wracking time for Sal. That's why he loved him so much.

"You softie. Let's get you dried up, I think I have one of your shirts that I snatched from you upstairs." They both head upstairs through the darkened house that Sal illuminated with his phone flashlight. In his room, Q dries the rain water off of him and replaces his damp clothes with dry ones instead.

"I have activities for the storm!" Q says all giddy as he pulls his shirt over his head and onto his body. Sal sits at the foot of his bed, legs shaking and fingers tapping against his thigh in unease as the storm rages on outside.

"And what might that be Bri?" Sal asks as he look to his boyfriend who leans in and gives a sweet peck on his lips.

"We'll be building a little fort downstairs." He grabs Sal and they both head back downstairs.

"How old are we again babe?" Sal giggles as the grab blankets and chairs and pull cushions off of the sofa. Normally this would annoy Sal to no ends, the sense of disorganization and messy clutter would have driven him insane. But something about the sweet child-like innocence of it all and the pure wholesome fun was enough for him to forget about all those cares.

"Old enough to have fun any way we want." Q plays music from his phone at full volume to hopefully flush out the thunder from outside, the sounds of it bouncing and echoing in the room. The smile to each other and they both get to work. Together they stack cushions together, lay soft blankets down on the floor, bring in chairs to create a blanketed roof, and throw some pillows and cushions inside for extra comfort.

Q's mission was half complete seeing as Sal had seemingly forgotten all about the storm that was outside. He loved how quickly invested Sal was, focused only on making sure everything for the pillow fort was perfect. He stood there for a moment and smiled and admired the man he grew to love so much.

"Come inside Q, we did a badass job." Sal crawled inside and disappeared into the warm comforts of their newly built fort with a beaming smile on his face. Q was quick to follow behind and squeeze in next to him. It was fairly dark inside and incredibly warm too.

"Look at that. We did this. Two fully grown men managed to accomplish something kids could only dream of." Sal was cuddled in close to Q and laughed at his statement. Music still played softly from beyond the thick layers of blankets that covered their fort, and the sounds of rain seemed minuscule now.

Sal finally felt his anxiety ease into comfort. His nerves finally gave him a rest. All the worrying had made him grow sleepy and the comfort and warmth of the fort and the sensation of Q snuggling him was adding to his sloth like state. Q noticed the tired feeling in his lovers eyes and he kissed his forehead.

"Is my Sally baby sleepy?" He said in a baby like tone which received a small smirk from Sal. He didn't respond, all he did was nod and flutter his eyes closed. "Rest my love. The storm will pass faster." Sal hummed in response and his body curled in and his eyes were sealed closed. Q held him carefully and watched as he slowly drifted into peaceful rest.

Q laid his own head back into all the cushions and felt himself grow a little groggy himself. There was some magic aura to this fort that made it irresistibly comfortable. He wasn't going to complain. His mission for the day was complete: help Sal through the storm and make sure he feels safe and okay.

"Sleep well my Sally." He says softly as he closes his eyes and drifted to sleep with Sal cradled in his arms.

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