The Next Morning's Mystery

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Warmth was engulfing my entire being. I slowly grew more conscious as I slowly began to wake. I couldn't be bothered to pry my eyes open though, I just knew it was way too early to wake and I wanted so badly to just slip back into a sleepy state. As I woke, so did my other senses. There was a foreign smell to the sheets and the room that I knew didn't belong to my room. Alcohol, musk, and a twinge of sweat. The sheets felt different. Nitpicky, I know, but I just knew it wasn't my own. That's also when I noticed – as I shifted in my spot – that I was only in my boxers. Last thing I noticed: as I slept on my side, I could feel a dip in the bed behind me telling me that there was someone else in this bed.

What the hell happened last night?

I remember going out for a few drinks with the Q and Murr, I guess I over did it again. Thankfully it didn't feel like there was a hangover lingering in my system. Damn. Did I end up at some chick's house? Who even was it? I don't remember talking to or meeting any girls at the bar.

That's when I finally opened up my eyes. The room was slightly dim. The sun barely poked through the blinds that covered the window. As I blink a few times, shift a bit in bed, and get my bearings, I start looking around. That's when I notice a few familiar details scattered about the room and things piece together in the worst way.

My heart sank like a ship when it dawned on me as to where I actually was. As much as I wanted to slither out of the bed and escape, some weird part of me forced myself to turn over and face the person that was creating the second dip in the bed.

There he was. Snoring. Dead asleep. His hair was a ruffled mess as stray strands plastered to his face.

Everything felt too real. We didn't... Did we? No. No no no. No! We couldn't have...

I looked to the floor and our clothes were everywhere. Did we?

I made assumptions and my fight or flight reflex kicked in. Of course I chose flight. I inched my way out of bed, my movements were slow and smooth as not to wake Q. I couldn't handle dealing with the ramifications of the previous night which I don't very clearly remember. When I finally slipped out, the cold air of the room hit my skin and shocked me to be even more alert. I started picking up all my clothes, a pile of all of it forming in my cradled arms. I tip toe out of the room and start mapping out how I'm going to haphazardly clothe myself as I leave his house. Just as I reach for the door knob, I hear a loud intake of breath followed by a deep exhale, the rustling of sheets, and a small groan. I clench my eyes clothes as I feel his eyes burning into my back.

"Sal?" I slowly turn and see Q sitting up in bed. My tongue felt tied, how does one even start a conversation like this? I have so many questions I don't even know where to start, I also still wanted to book it and run away and never look back. "Listen. I can explain." He says as he rubs the inner corners of his eyes and the bridge of his nose with his pointer finger and thumb.

"Everything seems self explanatory Brian." I say sternly. I felt mad, but that's only because it was connected to some deep shame I had. Not only did I get absolutely plastered which is unlike me, I also went ahead and slept with my best friend. Things are complicated in my own head and it felt like feelings I didn't even realize were there were starting to bloom like flowers in the spring, but it terrified me. I don't think i've ever felt like this.

"You were drunk. Like really drunk." He said groggily. He leans over the bed and finds his shirt, placing it on to ease the awkward tension a bit.

"That doesn't mean I wanted to sleep with you!" I blurted is out fast and loud. My adrenaline was pumping and I just wanted to disappear. Q seemed to be taken aback by my response and froze in place. I partially regret my words, but I also don't. I wasn't sure what he was thinking and I was scared what his next words were gonna be. I feel almost as if I destroyed our friendship in a few words.

"Sal, do you really think I would do that? You really think I would take advantage of my drunk best friend?" My eyes go to the floor.

"N... No." Now I really did regret everything I said in the heat of the moment. He waves me over to sit on the bed next to him, allowing me to first clothe myself as well so it wasn't weird.

"Sal. Last night you were plastered. I took you home naturally because I didn't want you driving home like that and surprisingly for once I was sober enough to bring you home. We got back here and I won't lie, we did have a bit of a makeout session." His voice trailed off on that last bit and I just knew that his face was as red as mine. "I didn't let it go any further than that though. You were drunk, I was tipsy, it wasn't right. I got you to bed and you insisted on stripping down which explains why your clothes were everywhere. I always sleep in my underwear and you know that." I let out a sigh and bury my face in my hands. I wanted to hide the shame and I felt a sense of relief wash over me.

"Bri. I'm sorry."

"I know you are. It's scary not remembering things from the night before because of the alcohol. But I would hope that you know you're in the hands of three people you can trust, especially me." I really felt stupid now.

"I think I just wanted an excuse to disappear and avoid you." I didn't even remember us kissing last night. It wasn't even just kissing like we've done on occasion for the show, Q said it was a full makeout session. Maybe it was drunken shenanigans. But to me, those feelings were to real and they were scary and this could make or break our friendship which was even scarier.

"Why would you want to do that?"

"Feelings are terrifying. The only way I can seem to escape is through self sabotage because after, I won't have to deal with them ever again." I admit. He was handling this all so well. He was patient, he listened, he wasn't making this any easier for me to handle.

"I know the feeling." There was a silence. We both were searching for a way to crack open those feelings we both had hiding. "Do you... Want to talk about it?"

"I don't know."

"Would it help if I started?" I nod my head. I didn't know if I really wanted to know though. I didn't know if i'd be able to handle rejection or unreciprocated feelings, I think it'd send me into a deeper sense of self sabotage. "When we were kissing, I felt something. I really did Sal. Waking up, I didn't know if you'd feel the same way, blame it on the alcohol, or just simply pretend it'd never happened. If we're gonna be open and honest, I might as well say it: I think I have feelings for you." My heart felt like it stopped and I went cold. It was weird hearing the confession, but it only compelled me to be honest.

"Really?" He nodded his head. We both for some reason just couldn't seem to make eye contact. "I'm scared."


"Because I like you too and I never thought I'd feel this way about someone, let alone my best friend." Q's hand slides over mine and I feel the sincerity through that small gesture. We meet eyes again and I feel ourselves getting closer and closer. We were both completely sober, and we allowed the embrace we shared the night before to happen again. My heart felt aflutter. Our foreheads met as our lips pulled away.

"Are you still scared?"


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