Cool Down Date

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This date was Sal's idea. It was summer, it was hot, and they wanted to cool down a bit. When Q had suggested they find fun and cute ways of cooling off, he had imagined going to the beach, maybe to a waterpark. Hell, he would have been fine going on a sweet simple ice cream date. But, somehow, Sal had talked him into going ice skating at a rink despite Q not being able to ice skate whatsoever. He was too embarrassed to admit that fact so he begrudgingly sat in the passenger seat as Sal drove them along the road with a smile on his face.

When they got there, beyond the doors they were met with a blast of cold air that made them forget that it was even summer at all. Sal took in a deep breath as the frosted air filled his lungs,

"I can't wait for winter to come around again. The snow, the layers of comfy coats, fireplaces, me and you cuddled up maybe one night." He winks over to his boyfriend as they walk over to the counter to rent a pair of ice skates. They sat down at a bench and Sal was quick to tightly lace up his skates. He stood up to check that he had done it correctly and wobbled a bit as he carefully regained his balance with both of his arms out like wings to steady himself. Q, on the other hand, couldn't quite evenly lace up his skates. Some parts felt too loose while others felt too tight, when he had 'finished' lacing them up, he stood up and almost fell as his ankle bent slightly due to the new center of gravity. He quickly sat back down on the bench and felt sweat forming on his forehead.

"Need help babe?" Sal looked to a pouty Q and got down quickly to help him out. Like a parent helping his child, he carefully laces up the skates, asks if it felt comfortable and not too tight, and then tucked away the laces and helped him to his feet. This time around, Q didn't feel as though he was going to fall like a tree being cut down, but he was definitely still shaky on his feet. The two waddle their way over to the ring entrance, the smaller circle where smaller kids with walkers on the ice went in circles trying to perfect their form. Sal placed one skate on the ice, then the other, and took off around the ring for some warm up laps. Q was lagging behind, one foot, then the other, then grasped to the wall for stability. He dare not slide his feet out of fear that they would slip out from under him, his biceps tensed as he literally walked along the ice. "Bri, do you not know how to skate?" Sal appeared before him.

"N-no... Just warming up is all..." He took another step and lost his balance and almost went flying had Sal not flew behind him to grab him before he fell flat on his ass. "Okay, maybe I don't know how." Hot shame filled Q and the room didn't feel so cold anymore, it felt like an inferno. All Sal did was chuckle.

"Why didn't you just tell me? I wouldn't have taken off like that and left you walking on the ice like a newborn dear." Q was back up on his feet, but still had a death grip on the wall and refused to peel away from it. As he looked around the rink, Sal was nowhere to be seen. When he turned around again, there he was with one of those metal walkers. Q sighed.

"Is this necessary?"

"Well after that near nasty spill, we gotta start with the basics. Lesson one: You don't literally walk on the ice, you glide! Come, like this!" Sal pulls Q along and demonstrates as he alternates pushing himself with each skate and slowly moving forward. "Shift your weight between each foot, use the other to push you forward." Q watches closely at his feet and attempts to mirror the motion. Very slowly he does it and soon Sal eases his grip on the walker his boyfriend was using to see him pushing himself forward by himself and smiles. Q didn't notice that Sal had let go, his eyes were glued on his feet to ensure that he mastered the form, he kept licking his lips that were continuously chapped from him panting and grunting because of how concentrated he was. Sal thought it was cute how sometimes his tongue would stick out a bit when it got a little tricky for him. "See! Look at you go babe!" His arms were raised in victory and Q looked up, feet still moving, he wore a proud smile on his face.

Q kept doing laps around the small circle as kids stared at him in awe because of the size of him in comparison to them. His posture soon straightened out and his strides became more confident. The grip he had on the walker had eased and he was merely pushing it around. Soon, he decided to ditch it all together, sliding it off to the side for a kid to use. His hands were steady and out at his side to keep his balance, Sal was in front of him again and placed his hands into Q's for reassurance. Just like before, it was slow and steady, his eyes glued to his feet, and balance being reestablished.

"Sally, i'm doing it!" Another milestone reached as Q began moving faster and faster on the ice and soon didn't need Sal to hold his hands anymore. He beamed with pride as he erratically moved along the ice. It wasn't perfect like Sal's smooth skating, but it was enough to get him moving.

"You know what that means then." Sal looks over to the bigger circle where all the more experienced skaters were and Q's eyes follow him there. He swallows hard but nods his head, he was up for the challenge.

"Okay little turds, out of the way." Q mumbled as he pushed his way through the crowd of kids while Sal was behind him apologizing to each one that Q would accidentally shove into. As they stepped into the large circle, the lights of the rink dimmed down and a colorful array of lights painted the platinum white ice and illuminated the place into a freezing disco haven. Q marvelled at the sight of it all, a sense of child-like wonder glimmered in his eyes and it made Sal's heart melt. He took Q's hand in his and without another word, they were off skating in the big rink.

They danced to all the music playing, sang along together, and laughed every time Q almost fell. The rainbow lights that bounced about the room soon dimmed, the disco ball above them was the only thing sparkling above them that lit the room, the music faded in and "1, 2, 3, 4" by the Plain White T's began playing.

"As always skaters, what would a blackout moment be without something for the couples out there. Grab your lover by the hand and share a trip around the rink with them. And if you ain't got someone, hold a friend close and show them some love too." The announcer's voice came over the speakers in a low soft tone. Sal and Q stopped for a moment and watched as everyone around them paired up and smiled at each other as the happy upbeat guitar filled their hearts. They were tucked away in the corner and Sal pulled Q in close, his hands on his shoulders and Q's on his waist. There they swirled in circles together and hummed along to the music as the rest of the world drifted away and it felt like it was only them in the room.

"Still bitter that I chose this for a cool off date?" Sal asked looking Q in his eyes that smiled whenever his lips curved upwards.

"Can't we have just one intimate moment without your sass Salvatore?" He lays a kiss on the cold skin of his forehead, Sal could feel the cold air focus in on that spot. Sal took things a step further as he pulled Q's face in for a deeper loving kiss. Foreheads pressed together, noses grazing each other, and smiles on their faces. "I love you, Sal." Q says just loud enough for him to hear and in sync with the song. They might have been in freezing temperatures, but their love kept them more than just warm. And, just maybe, Q was thinking about more skating dates in the future.

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