Midnight Mischief ⚠️

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The boys drug their luggage back to the tour bus completely appalled at the state of their initial motel and decided that wouldn't be the safest location for them to be spending the night. Joe was busy on the phone back on the bus attempting to call other locations in hopes of some open vacancy for the four jokers.

"I could NOT believe what I saw in my room, it was disgusting I still feel my skin crawling." Sal exclaims as he thinks about the terror he just witnessed in his room and shivers. Mysterious stains everywhere, pretty sure there were bedbugs crawling about the mattress, the bathroom looked as though it hadn't been cleaned in ages. Needless to say he was the first person to back out of staying at the sketchy stop, it was a germaphobe's nightmare.

"I can almost guarantee that there's been special 'services' performed in the room I was in. It reeked of shame and prostitution." Q chuckled as they finally reached the bus and threw all their things back on board.

"Mine had what i'm pretty sure was a used needle on the dresser! That was fun!" Murr chimes in with his own horror story worthy motel room. They walked on to see Joe pacing in circles, deeply invested in his phone conversation. They watch in awe as the typically goofy character goes serious business mode over the phone. Soon though, the conversation ends and his demeanor quickly shifts back to his normal humorous aura.

"Okay boys, got good news and got some bad news. Good news is I found a half decent non-crime-scene looking motel we can stay at." He beams with joy and pride.

"And the bad news?" Murr mumbles out.

"Well we only got two rooms, don't know how but they're packed. But i'd rather stay in two good rooms than have four health code violation rooms." The boys all look to each other and they shrug their shoulders. Joe made an amazing point, some sacrifices are willing to be made for their safety and comfort. "I'll be talking to the tour manager later about this incident. We've had some 'experiences' in sketchy places but I think we all can agree this one takes the cake." They erupt into laughter and reminisce on some of their previous run ins with run down battered motels and hotels. As they continued their journey on the road, they all gathered on the sofa of the bus to discuss sleeping arrangements.

"Okay, since i've lived with Joe before i'll just bunk with him for tonight." Murr says. Sal quickly agreed with the idea knowing full well he wouldn't be able to stand Murr in a cramped room for longer than an hour, let alone a whole entire night. He wouldn't have been surprised either if Q was on the same track as he was.

"Cool that means Q and I will be sharing a room tonight then. That alright with you, Q?" All heads turn to the man in question and Q nodded along. In his mind, however, he was trailing off now knowing that he'll be sharing a room with Sal. He always played up the "Vulquinn" shenanigans just to get reactions out of fans and out of Sal, but the joke slowly became a little too real for him to handle. He would never admit it but he started to have some feelings for Sal. The once playful banter and flirting they kept doing was usually for show around others, but they soon found themselves doing it in their normal day to day lives with and without an audience. The way Sal looked at him made it feel like his heart stopped for a moment, any time Sal grabbed him while laughing so hard made his whole face would go red, and the playful flirting drove him to insanity because he wasn't sure if it was real or not anymore.

The rest of the short ride was filled with chatter about the upcoming shows and what material they could bring on. Once they had arrived to their new destination, it felt like déjà vu as they unloaded all their stuff and retreated to their designated rooms.

Sal and Q walk to their room and open up the door to see a decent looking single room living area with a bathroom connected. The only issue: there's only a single king size bed and no sofa, the only chair in there was a fold up chair in the corner of the room.

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