Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

“So where did you and Sunny sneak off to yesterday?” asks Yoona while shifting positions on the recliner she was resting on.

“You and Sunny went out?” asks Sooyoung confused as she sets her yogurt down on the coffee table.

“Homework. She’s my history partner. Remember that project that was assigned? I picked her up to work on the project,” answers Hyoyeon with disinterest, “it's due in two days.”

“Really? We have to get started on it,” exclaim Yoona and Sooyoung simultaneously. Hyoyeon rolls her eyes and continues thumbing through the magazine she was currently reading.

“Has Yul and Taeng started?” asks Yoona.

“Who knows.”

“So are you’re not dating Sunny?” questions Sooyoung as she picks her yogurt back up.

“Sunny is your girl friend. Why would I take your girl friend?” asks Hyoyeon while dropping the magazine and looking at Sooyoung. Sooyoung shrugs her shoulders and takes a bite of her yogurt looking off to the side.

“Well you did have a crush on the girl when she was dating your sister,” comments Yoona.

“It wasn’t a crush, it was a slight interest. And I picked her up for school related things. Unlike you, I want an education,” retorts Hyoyeon irritated.

“One you don’t need an education to protect Tae. And two you don’t need education to k-“

“Shut up Yoona,” orders Hyoyeon as the front door opens and in walks Yuri.

“Sorry I’m a little late,” states Yuri as she walks around and takes a seat on the couch.

“That’s okay. The midget is spending some time with Jessica,” responds Sooyoung. Yuri looks over her shoulder and sure enough the two were in the kitchen talking with smile on their faces.

“When did she get here?” questions Yuri.

“Well before any of us.” Yuri nods her head.


“You don’t have to help,” states Taeyeon as she begins washing the dishes they used.

“Okay,” Jessica dries her hands off.

“I didn’t mean it.” Taeyeon hands Jessica a plate only to have Jessica shove her hand back.

“Nope,” responds Jessica with a smile.

“Fine,” Taeyeon grabs a cup and fills it with water flinging it at Jessica. An ear piercing scream fills the air followed by a whine and a blow to the back of Taeyeon’s head. “Ow!”

“Tae,” Both girls turn to see Hyoyeon leaning standing in the archway. “Clean up and send her home so we can get this meeting started.”

“Alright,” responds Taeyeon as she turns back to cleaning the dishes.

“Is she the older sibling?” asks Jessica as she turns to reach for a dish only to have her hand slapped.

“Leave them alone.”

“But you just asked me to help.”

“I know but the more you help the faster the dishes get clean and the sooner you have to go home. And no she’s not the older sibling, I am,” answers Taeyeon as she continues scrubbing a dish.

“So are you saying you want me here?” asks Jessica slightly interested. Taeyeon nods her head. “But we’re just friends, remember.”

“I know. I like the company of my friends.”

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