Chapter One

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Chapter One

“Hello? Earth to Taeng,” the small brunette blinks her eyes at the hand that was waving in her face, before turning and glaring at the person in which the hand belongs to. “Glad to see you finally snap out of it,” states a tan female dressed in a white and black vertical stripped shirt and black pants. They lean against the counter of the ice cream booth, “starring at the Jung’s backside?”

“I’m on my lunch break,” remarks the short girl, sticking her tongue out.

“So you were starring at the Jung’s bottom.”

“I like butts, hers happens to always appear in the window around my lunch break. You can’t fault me for looking at it.” She goes back to looking through the shoppers at the girl working in the bookstore.

“And you wonder why she reported you to security, threw a book at you, and dumped ice cream on top of your head.”

“Shut up Yuri.”

“Just stating.”

“Aren’t you supposed to be at work?”

“Unlike you, Taeyeon, I prefer spending my lunch break speaking with friends than staring at a girl’s backside,” answers Yuri.

“In other words the loud American girl who works in that one clothes shop turned you down again?” asks Taeyeon, taking her eyes off of Jung, who had just turned around.

Yuri answers, “Yes,” with a sheepish grin. “But she’ll fall for my charms sooner or later.”

“She’ll fall alright. She’ll fall face first into the ground,” mumbles Taeyeon as she checks the time, making sure her she still had enough time left on her lunch break. Yuri could only glare at the older girl.

“Well at least I didn’t receive the medical dictionary to the head.” A pout forms on Taeyeon’s lips as she rubs her forehead.

“Don’t remind me.”

“Shorty!” Both girls turn to see a tall girl rushing towards them, “Ice cream now!”

“I’m on lunch.”

“But I want some ice cream!”

“Go somewhere else than Sooyoung,” states Taeyeon as she turns back to the bookstore to find Jung gone from her position, a frown appearing on her face.

“That look means that Jung has moved away from the window, and that also means ice cream,” states Sooyoung as she excitedly looks at the many flavors of ice cream. Taeyeon could only sigh as she slides her hat back on, before picking up the ice cream scooper. She’s been working at this ice cream booth in the mall for a year now, and it bored her to death. Sure there were the perks as in eating and trying all the flavors of ice cream, but that wasn’t enough. She was still bored out of her mind.

Scooping up some ice cream, she shoves the cup into Sooyoung’s hands as a sigh escapes from her lips. There were times when working that she wished that she had chosen a better job. Like maybe working in a shoe store with Yuri and her sister, Hyoyeon, or maybe a clothing store like Sooyoung. But she settled for the ice cream booth, and is now bored out her life for the few hours that she works. That was until two months ago when the bookstore across the mall hired their new employee: Jung.

None of them knows the girl’s first name, since her name tag only reads Jung. But ever since she began working Taeyeon’s work had become interesting. Now she spends the first half of her work day, praying for lunch just so she can see Jung’s backside. And when she can’t see it, Taeyeon likes to venture forth into the store and wander around hoping to catch a glimpse of the girl.

“Isn’t that Jung?” Taeyeon snaps out of daze to see the girl walking past with the American girl that Yuri’s been chasing after. They watch as the girls past by the booth, heading towards the video games hop. “Probably going to see that short ageyo girl. What’s her name?” states Yuri.

“Sunny,” answers Sooyoung while finishing her third cup of ice cream.

“And how would you know her name?” asks Yuri slightly interested in how Sooyoung knows of something other than food, her job and their group.

“She comes in every now and then to visit Tiffany,” answers Sooyoung as she turns back around to looking at the other flavors, waiting for Taeyeon to finish with some customers.

“Who’s Tiffany?” asks Yuri confused.

“You’ve been trying to get her number for the past month and you don’t know what the girl’s name is?” An older woman’s laugh fills the area and the two taller girls turn around to see Taeyeon falling over from laughter.

“Why are you laughing?” asks Yuri a little defensively.

“You don’t even know the girl’s name?” came out in between her laughs, as she hands the customers their frozen treat, wanting them to leave as soon as possible.

“Like you do?”

“At least I know it’s Jung!”

“So what are you getting at?” Yuri leans across the counter glaring at Taeyeon who in return was doing to same thing.

“Excuse me,” comes a voice, but all three girls ignore it. “Excuse me…hello? I’m trying get some ice cream. Hello!” 

“What!” shouts Taeyeon as she turns back to see the Jung staring at her with Tiffany and Sunny. “Oh I’m sorry.” Her gaze turns back to Jung as it begins to lower starting with her eyes, “Welcome come,” and lower to her mouth, “can I offer you to try our newest flavor,” and lower, “boob…berr-“ Within a flash Jessica snatches the frozen treat out of Sooyoung’s hands.

“Pervert,” she mumbles while walking away, as Taeyeon stands bewildered as Sooyoung’s melting treat trickles down her head and forehead. But her shock state evaporates as she watches Jung return to the bookstore, her eyes glued to Jung’s behind, and her creeper grin return.

Maybe this Job Isn't so BadNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ