Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five

Taeyeon releases a sigh as the group takes off in every direction, “wasn’t this suppose to be a guys-I mean girls night out?” asks Taeyeon while turning to the only person left beside her: Hyoyeon.

“Yeah…but your mood in the car turned everybody off. Just forget about the kiss for the night and have some fun,” answers Hyoyeon while looking around the building. “There must be something you wish to do?”

“Let’s play some games,” states Taeyeon while walking towards the arcade.  Hyoyeon nods her head in agreement following her older sister. “Do you have a girlfriend?” asks Taeyeon while looking at her sister, “or a boyfriend? I mean…we don’t really talk about these things, so I’m just-“

“No,” answers Hyoyeon. “I don’t have time to date when you need constant watching.”

“No I don’t,” responds Taeyeon, “I can stay at home if you want to date. I mean I do it now anyways-“

“You’re getting home-schooled. That cuts whatever time you have with Jessica between work and schoolwork down. Plus she has to watch a younger sister and there are days when she has to spend time with Mr. Jung. I’m not going to take that time away from you so I can date,” interrupts Hyoyeon. “Besides I think she finally likes you.”

“Really?!” asks Taeyeon hopefully, “I mean sure there are times when she gets possessive but…”

“The stubborn girl likes you. Everybody can tell.” Taeyeon nods her head as Hyoyeon climbs into one of the seats for a driving game. Taeyeon climbs into the one besides her adjusting the seat and making sure she can reach the pedals.

“Well how do I get a kiss from her then? Both yours and Yuri’s idea were complete fails and-“

“Why can’t she just kiss you?” asks Hyoyeon while selecting a car.

“Yuri says that Tiffany says that Jessica says it’s because she’s more experienced and she doesn’t think it’ll mean anything,” answers Taeyeon while looking through the car selection.

“So what if she’s more experienced?” questions Hyoyeon, “She should kiss you.”

Taeyeon flares her nostrils as the screen begins counting down the start of the race. “I want to kiss her,” she states without taking her eyes off the screen.

“Okay, I’ll help you then.” Taeyeon smiles and takes a quick peek at Hyoyeon. Hyoyeon flashes her a smile before turning back to the race.


“Taeng is a serious party-pooper,” states Sooyoung while meeting up with Yoona at some shooting game.

“She’s upset that she hasn’t gotten her kiss yet from Jessica-unni,” states Yoona while concentrating on killing the ‘bad guys’ on screen. “Plus with Yuri rubbing her tongue action with Tiffany in Taeyeon’s face…” The screen shifts allowing for her to take a look at Sooyoung for a quick second.

“I get it but this is supposed to be our fun time as a group. And she’s bringing the mood down,” responds Sooyoung.

“Leave our short leader alone,” states Yuri while wrapping her arm around Sooyoung’s waist. “She’s just desperate for a little taste of some Jung. Smooth shooting Yoong.”

“I’m the best in the group when we go to the shooting range,” responds Yoona.

“Yuri!” All three girls jump at the outburst before turning and looking to see Krystal standing behind them with a smashed Styrofoam cup. “What do you think-you're cheating on Tiffany?!”

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