Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

“I don’t see why you have to accuse me of something like that in front of Jessica,” states Taeyeon as she exits out of Jessica’s front yard joining Hyoyeon on the side walk. “And did you really have to shove me against the wall? I would have spoken to you like a normal being. What’s father going to think when he finds out you shoved me against the wall? Especially if there is a bruise?”

“Are you the mole or not?” asks Hyoyeon slightly irritated. Taeyeon stops in her tracks and turns to look at Hyoyeon.

“What makes you think I am the mole?” questions Taeyeon. 


“I knew she’d open her mouth. And Yuri says not to trust her. Anyways carry on,” states Taeyeon.

“Says that you’re working with the mole. But Yuri’s not smart enough,” answers Hyoyeon, “unless there is someone else in on this?”

“Hm, I can see how you came to the conclusion. But you’re conclusion is false,” states Taeyeon seriously. “I am not the mole, rat, betrayer or anything else that means the same thing.” Hyoyeon gives Taeyeon a skeptical look, “I’m telling the truth.”

“Why’d you call Sunny and give her all that information?” asks Hyoyeon. Taeyeon shrugs her shoulders and begins walking again. “What are you up to? What are you trying to do?”

“Wait up!” They both stop and turn to see Yuri running towards them.

“What are you doing here?” asks Hyoyeon.

“I was out with Tiffany and I just dropped her off,” answers Yuri. Taeyeon nods her head and begins walking again.

“Who’s the mole?” asks Hyoyeon as they follow after Taeyeon. Yuri shrugs her shoulders. “You guys are hiding something…”

“Then seek it,” responds Taeyeon before running towards the bus stop.


Jessica moves throughout the crowded bookstore trying to stack books and make sure everything was alright. She was getting frustrated. It was suppose to be her day off, but someone called in sick and now she was busily running behind unwatched children re-shelving books, CDs and what not. She turns a corner chasing after one of the bad children after catching them through perfectly good books down the aisle. Oh how she wanted to strangle that boy.

She hates this job right now. Finally catching up to the child, something or someone grabs her wrist pulling her back. Looking over her shoulder she sees Taeyeon smiling at her. “Let him be, kids will be kids,” states Taeyeon.

“What are you doing here?” asks Jessica.

“Well I was bored at home so I decided to visit. I thought you might have missed my presence these last few days,” answers Taeyeon.

“What make you think that I missed you?” asks Jessica while freeing from Taeyeon’s grasp and begins walking around picking up the books that the customers were leaving all around.

“I don’t know. Maybe the fact that you had Tiffany ask Yuri what I was up to the past week,” answers Taeyeon while following her around.

“Hey, Jessica don’t you think you should lead her to the kid section on the other side?” asks one of Jessica’s fellow employee as they walk past him, “you know since this is the adult section?”

“Thanks for reminding me,” responds Jessica with a smile as Taeyeon’s expression turns sour. “I’ll remember, but let me put these back on the correct shelves.”

“I got it,” he says while approaching them and taking the books out of her hands. “So, what are you doing once your shift is over?” he asks.

“Nothing why?” responds Jessica as her smile widens at the sight of Taeyeon’s expression.

“Do you want to go catch that new movie that just came out?”

“She already has seen it,” speaks Taeyeon while grabbing Jessica hand and dragging her away from the boy. “Must you flirt so openly in front of me?”

“I wasn’t flirting. He asked a question and I responded. You do the same thing if I don’t recall,” responds Jessica as she maneuvers her hand into interlocking their fingers, “come on…let’s go to the kid section and see if we can find your parents,” she jokes while dragging the fuming girl.


Tiffany enters the shoe store. She makes her way to the wall line with shoes and begins picking them up one by one examining them. “See anything you like?” She turns around to see Yuri leaning against the counter. She shakes her head no and places the shoe back on the shelf before approaching Yuri. “Is there something you need?”

“No, I was wondering what time you get off,” answers Tiffany.

“Not for a while, I just started thirty minutes ago, why?” responds Yuri.

“Oh, well Taeyeon asked Jessica out and Jessica was wondering if we were going to be joining.”

Yuri nods her head, “any clue where they’re going?”

“No, not really. According to Jessica, Taeyeon says it’s a surprise.”

“I see no reason why we shouldn’t join then. That is unless you don’t want to,” states Yuri  while eyeing a group of teens that entered the store.

“Oh we can go. Let me go tell her.” Yuri nods her head, “I’ll see you later on then,” she turns on her feet and scramble out of the store stumbling over a few items on the floor. Yuri smiles while watching the older girl disappear into the crowd outside before turning her attention back to the shoppers, especially the one that was standing in the corner of the store.

They approach the counter and places an envelope on the table before walking out. Yuri takes the envelope and disappears into the back room sliding in her bag just as Hyoyeon enters. “Aren’t you suppose to manning the front?”

“Um yeah but I forgot something,” answers Yuri while zipping her bag up and throwing it into the locker. “Well I’m going back out front.” Hyoyeon nods her head eyeing the younger girl suspiciously.


“You need to do something about Hyo,” states Sooyoung as she leans against the counter.

“Yeah your sister has become major scary,” states Yoona while scooping ice cream into a cone for a customer.

“She’s that bad?” asks Taeyeon while wiping down the counter with her good hand.

“I have to announce to everyone that I’m going out with Sunny. She’s been snooping around in all of your stuff, and Yuri’s stuff,” answers Sooyoung.

Taeyeon smiles before looking at the two younger girls, “I’ll see what I can do. But I’m not sorry about you having to admit that about Sunny.” Sooyoung chokes on her drink before almost breaking her neck to look at Taeyeon, “what? Sunny likes you. You obviously like her. You guys might as well be together officially and publicly.” She disappears into the back.

“She can’t be serious,” states Sooyoung to Yoona.

“She is,” answers Yoona while handing over some cones.

Taeyeon reemerges with an even bigger grin. “What are you so happy about?”

“What are you guys doing tonight?” asks Taeyeon.

“Nothing, why?” answers Yoona.

“How about you guys and your girl friends join me, Yuri, Jessica and Tiffany tonight?” suggests Taeyeon.

“Last time that happened you ended up getting hit with a golf ball,” states Sooyoung.

“Yeah. And who says I have a girlfriend?” adds Yoona.

“I thought that you were dating Seohyun,” states Taeyeon. A blush creeps across Yoona’s face, “so I was right. Well anyways meet up tonight at my smaller house.”

“What are you up to?” asks Yoona while looking at the shorter girl. Taeyeon shrugs her shoulders before returning back to work.

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