Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

“What do you mean there are no tickets left?” asks Sooyoung while pointing at the glass that separated them from the ticket admissions. “Do you know who you’re messing with?”

“Look, there are no more tickets for that showing. And it’s the last one for the night. Come back tomorrow.”

“Do you not know who this is?” asks Sooyoung while pointing at Taeyeon.

“Yeah a person that doesn’t even look old enough to watch the movie.” A frown forms on Taeyeon’s face as she crosses her arms. “Either pick another movie that starts in twenty minutes or come back tomorrow.”

“Do you know the Kims?” asks Sooyoung while leaning in closer to the glass. 

“There are a lot of Kims.”

“I’m talking about the Kims…as in the Kim Mafia,” continues Sooyoung.

“Yeah what about them?”

“See her right there…the one that you think is a child. She’s the heiress…and either we get tickets now or we destroy your car and more,” threatens Sooyoung.

A laugh escapes his lips, “that short thing…an heiress?” Taeyeon’s face scrunches up.

“What are you guys still doing out here and trying to buy tickets?” Everyone turns and looks to see Hyoyeon climb out of the Kim Family car. “You should already have tickets.”

“Yeah but midget and her girlfriend forgot about our group date and we went to find them,” explains Yuri.

“Only to return and have him claim that there are no more tickets for the last showing,” finishes Yoona. Hyoyeon nods her head and walks over to the window leaning against it and whispering.

“Here are you tickets. Enjoy the movie,” Hyoyeon smiles and grabs hold of the tickets waving them around.

“How’d you do it?” asks Sooyoung amazed.

“You guys are seriously slacking in the intimidation category,” answers Hyoyeon, “let’s go find some seats.”

“What about food?” asks Yoona.

“After we find some seats,” repeats Hyoyeon leading them into the theater.


Taeyeon fidgets her seat before pulling her phone out of her pocket.  It’s only been 25 minutes since they sat down and only 15 minutes since the movie has started. With a defeated sigh she slides the phone back into her pocket prior to slouching in her seat.

Jessica watches her with intent curiosity. Was something wrong? “Taengoo,” she whispers causing for the older girl to jump. A small laugh escapes Jessica’s lips as Taeyeon turns and looks at her wide eyed. “Something wrong?”

“N-no, just thinking,” responds Taeyeon. Jessica turns back to the large screen leaving Taeyeon alone. How to get her kiss? Maybe Yuri has an idea? She leans forward and looks across Jessica to see Yuri with her head back sleeping as Tiffany stared at the screen with increased attention.

Maybe Sooyoung? She looks behind her to see Sooyoung missing along with Sunny. Where did those two go? Screw it. She sits back and crosses her arms. All that’s left is Hyoyeon and Yoona. Hyoyeon isn’t in a relationship so that was out. Though she did say she would help.

Taeyeon turns to her sister only to find the younger girl no longer in the seat next to her. Squinting, her eyes she looks around the dark theater spotting her in a seat closer to the screen. All that’s left is Yoona.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Dec 05, 2012 ⏰

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