Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

Taeyeon looks out into the living room making sure that Jessica and Tiffany weren’t looking their way. Noticing that Jessica and Tiffany were to engaged in a conversation she turns back to Yuri and the bag on the table. “They dropped it off when you were at work?”

“Yeah,” answers Yuri while unzipping her bag and pulling out the envelope. “I was lucky Hyo didn’t see anything. Do you know how big of a rampage she’s going through right now?”

“I’ve heard from Sooyoung,” answers Taeyeon as she takes the envelope and begins looking for a place to hide it.

“We can’t hide it here. Hyo has 24 hour access to this place,” states Yuri while watching Taeyeon walk around.

“So what do you suggest?”

“Jessica and Tiffany,” answers Yuri causing for Taeyeon to stop. “I know we shouldn’t get innocent people involve and trust me, as much as I don’t want to do this I think we should.” Taeyeon turns and looks at Yuri, “Just tell Jessica to hold it and give it back when you ask for it.”

“I-“ They hear footsteps and look up to see Jessica entering the kitchen with Tiffany in tow. “Jessica? Do you need something?”

Jessica shakes her head, “We were just wondering what’s taking you guys so long.”

“Oh, well I was going through the surprise with Yuri,” answers Taeyeon. Tiffany raise a brow skeptically before walking over to Yuri and pulls the younger into a hug, tiptoeing to whisper something in her ear. “But since it’s pouring outside how about we just stay in and watch some movies?” suggests Taeyeon.

“What’s in the envelope?” asks Jessica curiously.

“Nothing,” answers Taeyeon as she places the item behind her back, “just some mail that was delivered here. It’s for my mom.”

“Oh, okay,” responds Jessica while taking a seat on the counter top. “So what was the surprise? Since it’s raining all of a sudden…”

“Uh…” states Taeyeon while looking at Yuri, since she had no surprise to begin with.

“Taeyeon did you even have a surprise?”

She opens her mouth to answer the question when the front door opens and shuts.

“Hey midget, we’re here!” Sooyoung enters the kitchen with Sunny, Seohyun and Yoona following behind. “Tell me why of all days you wish to have this outing when it’s pouring?”

“It wasn’t earlier,” states Taeyeon, “and back to your question. No…I didn’t plan a surprise. Or anything. The farthest I got in planning was inviting everyone out.”

“So what were you planning on doing?” asks Tiffany.

“Winging it,” answers Taeyeon.

“Last time you decided to wing something it ended up with us at a miniature golf course and an obsessive possessive younger sister decided to play target practice with your large forehead,” states Sooyoung while taking a seat at the table.

“My forehead isn’t that big,” states Taeyeon while rubbing it.

“So what are we doing oh mighty leader,” states Yoona while pulling out a seat for Seohyun.

“No clue.” The group grows silent not sure what to do.

“Um…” everyone turns and looks at Jessica, “I’m just curious, but why isn’t your sister here?”

“Hyo’s sick,” answers Taeyeon.

“Yeah in the head,” mutters Sooyoung receiving a hit to the back of the head, “Ow! What it’s true the girl is like on a serious rampage.”

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