19: ☆ just as friends ☆

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I ran back to my dorm trying to hide my face in my robes so no one could see me upset. I hated boys I decided. They were no good useless spaces of air that would take advantage of anyone who let them.

I was thankful to see my dorm room empty and I cried into my pillow. I let out all my emotion I was feeling from my talk with dad about my mom, my night by the lake, moving across the country, and my heartbroken moment with Fred right now. I just felt like everything was pent-up and I finally let go.

In that moment I heard someone yell out from close by my door and my curiosity got the best of me as a peered out the door. I spotted Harry downstairs on his back, with his glasses a couple feet away from him and his books scattered across the floor.

"I didn't realize you literally couldn't go up these stairs," Harry muttered as he searched for his glasses before putting them back on.

"Why were you trying to come up?" I asked.

"I saw the faces you made in study period. You helped me when everyone thought I lied about entering the tournament so I wanted to come return the favor," he said while my face went into one of adoration. Harry was too cute and I appreciated his effort to come and make me feel better.

"Well then ready yourself," I warned while I waved my wand and levitated him up into the air. It was easy to guide him over the stairs and I led the way down the hallway to my dorm, "Welcome to my humble abode," I announced showing him the space.

"It honestly looks just like ours," he admitted while glancing around, "except yours is a lot cleaner."

"I doubt that our room is cleaner just by chance," I teased knowing that the boys never cleaned up their room. We both sat on my bed across from each other and I folded my hands in my lap.

"Well? Are you going tell me what happened?" he asked, "I'm not as good as Hermione with this stuff but I'll give it a go."

I gave a smile at Harry's sweetness and began my story, "well a couple nights ago Fred and I uh-kissed," I stammered feeling a blush come on. Harry's eyebrows rose up in surprise but he didn't interrupt, "it was really a nice night. We hung out by the lake and I got to tell him about my mom who I don't have a lot of memories of since she died when I was really young. The next day he kissed me again in the library and I just assumed we would talk about what that meant later. But then he asked Angelina to the ball right in front of me," I finished feeling the anger resurface as I remembered everything that happened.

"Wait I thought you were going with a Durmstrang boy?" Harry questioned.

"What no why would you think that?"

"Well Ron said in study period that Fred and George told him a Durmstrang lot asked you girls to the dance," he explained.

"Well yeah they did but I said no because I wanted Fred to ask me," I groaned into my pillow, "gosh how humiliating that I turned someone down just to have the boy I like ask someone else." Harry stayed silent for a moment before speaking again.

"Well you could go with me if you want? Just as friends of course!" he reassured, "I asked Cho and she already had a date. So seeing as neither of us can go with who we really want, maybe we can go together." I looked up into his eyes and felt a rush of affection as I appreciated the boy in front of me. I obviously never had a brother, only Ruby, so it was nice to meet someone at this school that felt like a sibling who had my back.

"Well yeah I would love to. Thank you Harry you really didn't have to do this," I smiled back while he shook his head.

"Don't worry it'll be a lot of fun. Plus Seamus has a bet going on in our dorm over who's going to ask you. I think he'll be quite bummed to give me 2 galleons," we both laughed. "Well if you're ready I would love to go eat some dinner I heard they have mashed potatoes today," Harry said excitedly.

"Yeah let me just wash my face and we'll go," I mumbled standing up. When I went to the mirror and stared at myself I felt a wave of power go through me. When I saw myself in the reflection I didn't want to see the teary-eyed girl who was crying over a boy. Instead I wanted to see the girl who would show up to the ball even without a date and have the best time. I decided then that I would no longer let Fred's stupidity affect me and that I was perfectly content with the way my life was now.

Harry and I walked into the hall just in time to see the plates bounce up and be loaded with food. He sat a couple seats away by Ron while I was next to Ginny.

"Did you get your mystery boy to ask you to the ball?" Ginny inquired.

"No I didn't, but Harry just asked me to go as friends since neither of us had dates," I replied seeing the twins both snap their heads up from their meal at my announcement.

"I thought you were going with that Durmstrang guy?" Fred blurted as everyone looked towards me.

"Oh what, so you're talking to me now are you?" I said heatedly, "no I told him no because I wanted to go with someone else. But seeing as that someone else is a daft idiot Harry asked me," I smiled over at Harry as he returned it.

"Well then why did you cheer and get a rose after they left?" George pushed further as if he didn't believe my answer.

"They asked us with flowers dummy and I was cheering over Hermione's date,"

"Hermione has a date?" piped in Ron who looked shocked, "what who is it?"

"It's a surprise," she answered back and I could see she didn't want us telling anyone it was Krum. I could feel Fred's piercing eyes on me but I refused to meet his gaze. It didn't matter that he thought someone else had asked me, because he didn't even check to see what had happened and just assumed the worst. The fact that he thought I would go to a dance with someone else after the time we spent together was ridiculous. Angelina seemed to notice his gaze trained on me since in the corner of my eyes I saw her elbow him hard.

"Why are you staring at her?" she said in a hushed voice but I could still hear. Fred muttered some kind of response in which I couldn't make out. I tried to turn my focus back to Ginny rambling about what preparations she was going to make to get ready for the dance. A loud noise was then heard in the hall as I spotted my barn owl flying towards me with a big box carried under it's beak. Mail normally came in the morning so I was confused to what the package could be. My owl dropped it right in front of me and I gave her some crackers I had left over on my plate.

"What is it?" Ginny asked while I shrugged in response. Carefully undoing the ties, I lifted the lid of the box and inside was a beautiful emerald green gown.

"Holy moly," I gasped seeing the designs on the dress. The straps were about 2 fingers thick and the neckline plunged down slightly in the shape of a V.

"That's so beautiful!" Hermione gushed while I sent a wide smile in return. The dress was stunning but I had no idea who sent it to me. Across the hall though, I caught my dad watching me open the package and he sent me thumbs up. I understood then that he was the one to send me the gift and I assumed he did it through owl for the theatrics it would cause with me and my friends. A note fell out as I lifted the dress. In messy handwriting was, 'A fellow Gryffindors dress,' and I felt my heart burst in joy. I knew that my dad had sent me my mother's dress from the note, and I felt more than honored to be able to wear it to the ball.

"You know what this dress means right Harry?" I turned to the green eyed boy.

"No what?" he looked at me in confusion.

"I get to take you shopping for a green tie!" I exclaimed. By habit I looked over to the twins but Fred continued to keep his back to me and engross in a conversation with Angelina. At that point I was too excited with the adrenaline my new gift gave me that I hardly cared.

"What did I get myself into," Harry muttered into his plate of mashed potatoes as the rest of the table laughed at him.

If I could change one thing about my prom is that I didn't wear a green dress! would've loved to wear the one Violet received 🥺

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