11: ☆ um'bitch' ☆

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Ginny had to force me to come down to breakfast the next day, while I fought her pulling my body.

"Leave me alooone," I whined and dug my head deeper into my pillow. I wanted to spend the rest of my day just sleeping, and eating candy from my suitcase. The memories from yesterday flooded back to me, and I had to blink away the tears forming in my eyes.

The last thing I wanted to do today was think about Fred, but he was the only person consuming my thoughts. I had woken up several times in the middle of the night, and just started crying into my hands. I had never experienced this kind of pain from being heartbroken, it hurt differently.

I had manifested this incredible plan of what our year at Hogwarts would look like all summer. I created this false sense of reality when I was trapped in our summer cottage, which was now only a distant idea.

Ginny forcefully grabbed the thick blanket I was hiding underneath and tugged me out of bed. A pool of tissues fell out from my lap and I groaned from the sudden movement.

"No I don't want to leave!" I shouted trying to hold onto the door of my dorm so that she couldn't drag me any further.

"You are better than this!" she yelled back.

"No I'm not I'm just the pathetic ex girlfriend now," I frowned and tried to keep my lip from trembling.

"No Violet, if you miss classes today you won't be allowed to lead Quidditch trials." I had almost forgotten. It was finally Friday, the day of the Gryffindor tryouts.

"Okay fine you got me," I agreed and stood up on my own, "just give me 10 minutes to get ready." She huffed, and waited on my bed while I went into the shower.

My reflection was gross, I know most people would describe themselves after a crying session with 'puffy eyes and messy hair' but oh my was my reflection worse. My eyebrow hairs were sprawled everywhere since I rubbed my eyes so much last night. The bags underneath my eyes were showing much more prominently today, and there was also tear stains on random part of my face that had stuck to my cheeks.


Once I had washed away everything that I could, I changed into my clean robes. I went to leave the bathroom but since I had some time I decided to do a little extra. I hesitated for a second before reaching into my makeup bag and took the black pencil from inside.

I wasn't very good at applying anything that wasn't a spray or powder, but I needed to do something to distract everyone from my puffy cheeks. I decided to put a thin line at the top of my lid near the brim of my eyelashes. Then, I coated a good layer of mascara on my eyes making the eyelashes lengthen out even further. My eyes now looked more doe-like and less depressing from the crying.

I gave myself a reassuring smile in the mirror and turned on my feet out the bathroom.

"Wow you look pretty," Ginny gaped at me, "are you sending out boyfriend applications because I'll fill one out right now."

I smacked her arm and laughed lightly with her. I had told her what happened this morning when she woke me up at the crack of dawn wanting to talk about her excitement over tryouts. Her advice to me was that I needed to move on and just focus on myself.

I tried to replay that sentence in my head and push any sadness away. Overall, I was pretty excited to use the new gloves Ruby got me for Christmas last year, and test their grip with a real quaffle.

"What ideas do you have for tryouts today?" Ginny asked while we left the portrait and made our way down to breakfast.

"I don't really know yet. I hope I get to organize the chaser tryout though, I have a couple cool drills in mind," I shrugged.

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