22: ☆ bloody mess ☆

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I ended up being the only one to return back to the pitch since Ginny wanted to check in on Harry.

"Hey i'm really sorry again about the game," Ruby said sadly to me as the both of us walked up to the group, "it definitely wasn't a fair game."

"Don't worry it was," I shrugged, "you guys won fair and swear. But i've gotta say I was impressed by your new moves!"

She giggled back at me and once we reached the center of the field were bombarded with questions. Everyone who came down to meet me eagerly asked me if Harry was okay.

"What did they say happened to him?" Sirius was the first one to bombard me.

"A cracked skull," I frowned when I told them, "I know Madam Pomfrey will take care of it easily but he still took a really hard hit."

"And where is this keeper that hit Harry?" Sirius pushed with narrowed eyes.

"In the locker room. His names Cormac but we already jinxed him—" before I could finish my sentence Sirius had already started walking towards the grounds and turned into his dog form behind a tree.

"Well that's going to be trouble," George chuckled and shook his head.

"Well it's best I take off. Kingsley is expecting me within the next hour," dad walked up to me and embraced me in a hug.

"I wish you could stay longer," I said sadly, "I mean I can't even leave this stupid castle with the new restrictions to meet you for lunch in town."

"Yeah since you don't work here anymore we hardly see you," Ruby added to my comment.

"I'll see what I can do," dad smirked back me, "I can pull a couple strings and get a visitors pass somehow i'm sure."

"Sounds good," I giggled and hugged him one last time before he left the pitch walking Ruby back up, leaving me only with the twins and Barbie.

"I hope you had a fun holiday!" Tara smiled at me with her big...and oddly bright teeth. Which were beautiful but in the moment only made me want to punch them.

"Yeah I loved spending it with my family and the Weasleys," I answered back trying my best to play nice.

"Mum definitely made the best pie that year, probably her best—" George started to say but was interrupted.

"Do you actually mind if I talk to you alone?" Tara tilted her head and my eyes went wide at her request. George responded with a shocked expression, while Fred just looked confused.

"Why do you need to talk to her away from us?" Fred squinted down at her.

"Just girl stuff," Tara waved him off and then hooped her arm through mine, pulling me off to the side. it took everything I had to not peel my arm back from her long nails that were grasping my skin.

"Not to be rude but I kind of have to get back to the castle—"

"Don't worry this won't take long!" She reassured me, "I just had a quick question to ask you."

"Alright," I stood my ground and faced her, "spit it out."

She looked at me quizzically for a couple seconds before speaking again, "how well do you know the people around you?"

"What?" I stepped back, "the people around me? what's that supposed to mean?"

"What I'm trying to say is that you should be careful about who you keep your company with...they should be people you trust."

"Trust?" I leaned my head forward in confusion.

"Yes trust," she nodded again as if her answer made perfect sense.

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