27: ☆ valentines day ☆

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"Mmm this tastes delicious!" I hummed sipping on my hot chocolate. Fred and I were currently in the three broomsticks, the place we had our first date at last year.

He originally took us to Madam Puddifoot's shop, but I almost threw up at how strong the tea was. The place was terrifying as well; the round tables were decorated with lacy napkins and china sugar bowls.

They cramped up the small shop to the point that Madam Puddifoot had great difficulty in moving in between tables to serve the couples.

As soon as she had brought our drinks to us, I begged Fred to leave, and he looked just as relieved as I did when we left. It was a sweet sentiment to try to take me to a 'girl' place, but the shop reminded me too much of Umbridge's office.

Cho and Harry were also sitting inside but their date didn't seem to be going well. I didn't miss the longing look Harry gave us when we left, as I could see he was hating the shop as well.

"I'm just glad I didn't have to pretend to sip on that cup of water sugar," Fred chuckled, drinking his own butterbeer.

"Well thank you for thinking of me when choosing the place," I said leaning forward to give him a short peck, "but I would've thought you knew me better," I teased.

"George told me every girl wanted to go there!" he defended.

"And that's why George doesn't have a girlfriend," I pointed out.

"Touché," he laughed agreeing with me, "are you nervous for you OWL's?" he asked me changing the topic.

I thought for a second before answering, "no I don't think so. I'm pretty confident with all of my classes except History, I 100% will not be passing that," I laughed.

"I could give you a private tutoring session if you wanted," he winked.

"Yeah right," I rolled my eyes, "I would definitely want to do other things alone with you besides studying" He cleared his throat at my suggestive smirk and moved on.

"Well on another note don't you have to pass history in order to become a Professor," Fred said as he sipped on his drink.

"Uhm actually I decided a different career route," I said quietly.

"Oh what?"

"Auror." He went silent for a few seconds and stopped drinking mid sip. He placed his pitcher of butterbeer back down on the table.

"Do you know how dangerous that is? Especially with everything going on in the world right now?" he told me with a displeased expression on his face. This is why I tried to avoid talking about this career path with anyone else besides Ginny. I knew their reactions were all going to be the same.

"I know it's not the safest—"

"You mean not safe at all," he retorted.

"You know instead of judgment I would appreciate some support," I said a bit annoyed. Why couldn't everyone just be proud that I had goals for myself a high standard.

"No no I'm not judging you," he stood up and sat in the seat of the booth I was in, "I know you are more than capable to take care of yourself. It just makes me worried you know? I would hate for you to get hurt somehow and have me be useless," he sighed.

"What? You are not useless Fred," I turned to him.

"Am I not?" he continued, "I mean really you can predict any type of danger from a mile away and all I can do is play a good prank or two. I mean how is that supposed to protect you in the future." I took his face in my hands and kissed him quickly to shut him up.

Irresistible - f.weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now