6: ☆ dabble in danger ☆

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"You know what this is right?" I turned to Hermione as soon as the Minister left, "this has to be the book to translate my moms notepad. What if she knew about the Horcruxes and where to find them—"

"Don't you think if your mom knew what Horcruxes were she would've told your dad about them?" Harry interrupted. I sat there stumped. I suppose he was right.

"Well this is still a huge key. I'm going to go figure it out right now," I shrugged.

"I'll go with you!" Hermione stood up quickly and we both raced upstairs to where my suitcase was laying, the notepad in a concealed bag.

If Dumbledore gave me this book then surely he thought something from what my mom gave me would be useful. I never told him what i'd been given at the Ministry since I didn't think it was that important. So if he knew it had to be a critical piece in our puzzle.

"Alright let's start with the word in the center first," I instructed while Hermione opened the book to the first page, "it's a symbol with two pointed fangs coming from the top and bottom and—"

"Wait Violet how are we supposed to know what language?" Hermione asked.

"What do you mean what language?" I turned confused towards her, until I skimmed the first page she was on and saw the index containing one page of alphabet for each of the most popular 500 languages.

"500!" I shouted, "how the fuck are we supposed to figure out which of the 500 languages this notepad is in."

"I have no idea," Hermione shook her head, "and if Dumbledore gave you a book with multiple languages then I'm sure we can't eliminate anything. Maybe different phrases are in different writings?"

"Why couldn't they just make this fucking easy," I groaned out, tossing the notepad back in my bag.

"Who? Dumbledore or your mom?" Hermione perked a brow.

"Both of them!" I said exasperated, "I mean really sometimes I wonder why they're letting us do this all so blindly. We've really received no guidance, no instruction!"

"We were given more information than anyone else Violet," she reassured me, "I mean we know about the Horcruxes Dumbledore destroyed, and how many are left out there."

"I guess you're right," I nodded at her and heard a loud commotion from outside.

"We should probably go help," she chuckled and tilted her head towards the sound, "I just—don't give up hope just yet okay? If we're going to make it through this trip I need you to stay sane with me."

"You're right i'm sorry," I smiled and squeezed her hand, before we both went back into the yard where the tent was now fully put up.

We went our separate ways since the chores we had were different and I ran over to Ruby who was manually getting the chairs off the rack.

"Can't you get someone of age to help you with this?" I laughed at her and took out my wand to send the white chairs to go in alignment inside the tent.

"Thanks," she gasped out of breath, "mind doing the same with the tables over there?" She pointed.

"Yeah sure," I made my way over to the stack of tables and saw Fred approaching them as well. An obvious step of hesitation was added in my walk when I debated on turning back, but then I remembered Hermione's words in my head.

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