23: ☆ happy holidays ☆

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I sighed in content once I landed back in the chimney of Grimmauld place. We had just gotten back from seeing Mr. Weasley for the third time this week, and they were discharging him today to get him home just in time for Christmas.

The first time I went to visit I was very apprehensive to see him in the hospital bed. I was terrified of seeing what he looked like after such a vicious attack. But there he was, smiling as always, sitting in his room with bandages placed all over him.

Over the last couple days we all tried to rest as much as we could from the busy week we had at school. We were all drained from our Quidditch practices, defensive meetings, and school work. Fred and I hadn't kissed since the first day we got to Grimmauld place. Which was okay, because what I think happened last time is that we rushed into things too quickly. I liked going slow with him, and I was just appreciative that he was back in my life again.

Dad promised to take Ruby, Hermione, and I to Diagon Alley since we were in desperate need to shop for presents. Of course with the guarantee that he could accompany us at all times, he agreed.

"Hermione hurry up before all the good things go out of stock," I knocked on the bathroom door loudly while trying to zip up my jacket.

"I'm coming, calm yourself," she argued back.

"A lake freezes over faster than you get ready," I huffed in annoyance and left another loud knock on the door. I felt stressed out that I hadn't got anybody gifts yet and Christmas was already tomorrow.

I went back downstairs to see Ruby waiting in the armchair.

"She's still getting ready?" she whined.

"Girl's got a lot of hair," I shrugged.

"Alright alright I'm here," Hermione came down the stairs a couple minutes later.

"Finally!" I exclaimed. Dad lit the fireplace and took a bag of floo powder from his pocket.

"I'll be going first just to make sure," dad said. I rolled my eyes at his paranoia but still listened. I swear dad just thinks Voldemort is going to be waiting on the other side in the three broomsticks for us.

"Wanna go first?" I encouraged Ruby, handing her the powder. She grinned and positioned herself in the center of the fire. After a good amount of practice, she no longer got nervous at using the floo network unlike her first time.

"Hey you know what's funny, this was the way I first met you," I turned to Hermione, "remember last year."

"In the pet shop!" she laughed, "you almost took me out," we laughed recalling the memory. We both got in the floo network and were taken to the three broomsticks.

"Okay you can't shop with me because you can't see your present," she insisted and ran off towards a shop.

"Meet back here in 2 hours," I yelled after her. My dad looked creepy just lingering behind Ruby and I but not standing with us.

"Dad why don't you sit and get a drink. Ruby and I will stay together," he opened his mouth to interrupt but I stopped him, "hey! Big girl remember." I pointed to myself.

"Fine," he gave in, "but check up every hour!" We both laughed and I took Ruby's hands walking down the streets of Diagon Alley. It was only my third time visiting this place, and I still got the same feeling of awe when walking down it.

"Crazy how much has changed since the first time we were here huh," Ruby sighed.

"Yeah we're no longer loners," I chuckled and she nodded in agreement.

"You're right. But I mean the last time I was here I didn't even have a wand. Now I'm in the middle of my second year here."

"Wow. I guess when looking at it in your scale of time it has been a while," I said surprised. I guess I didn't realize how much has happened in a year and a half. The life we had here in England was normal, and I couldn't really imagine going back to the routine we once lived.

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