16: ☆ army ☆

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"Ow Hermione that hurt!" I cried out feeling the sting in my hand.

"Sorry! I'm doing what I can," she defended and stuck my hand back in the liquid solution that was sloshing around in it's bowl. She had whipped up a healing remedy for both Harry and I's hands after our detention we had to attend to last night.

It had been a week since the Halloween feast, and Umbridge rescheduled the detention we were supposed to have with her. I received the note during potions yesterday, claiming that we were to be 'properly punished for our rebellious acts'. I shuddered recalling the experience.

"Sit down please," Umbridge smiled. Harry and I carefully took a seat in front of her desk and awaited further instructions, "you'll be writing some lines for me today. Potter you'll be doing the message as last time and Pine you will be writing I must not...interfere." She gave me a cold grin. Her sentence seemed to have a double meaning and I began to get scared.

Don't interfere? She couldn't be talking about my Seer powers could she? No that would be impossible. It hasn't happened once this school year so far, and she would have no reason to know.

The parchment was placed in front of us and I waited again.

"Don't you Brits use ink?" I remarked.

"Oh you won't be needing any," she gave me a stern look with a weird glint in her eyes. Harry started to write the phrase, 'I must not tell lies' onto the paper in front of him, the quill writing as if it were a pen with pre stored ink. His left hand twitched slightly after his first line, and I watched stunned as the markings on his hands were cracked open. I realized then that Harry had been writing with a Blood Quill.

"These are banned from Hogwarts," I seethed through my teeth refusing to write anything down. My inner voice was yelling at me, telling me to run away from the dark magic in front of me.

"Well seeing as I created them, I have a couple spare with me at all times," she responded to me, "if you don't wish to use it I could always call down your sister to serve your detention instead." I bit down on my lip to keep from screaming at the lady. The nerve she had to threaten this punishment to be done to my sister, who was innocent, was purely evil.

I took a deep breath and without breaking eye contact, I started writing.

"What do you reckon the message means?" Hermione asked, averting her eyes to my hand, "it can't be related to the voice you have, can it?"

I shook my head quickly, "nobody knows except you guys and the order. I'm sure she was just referencing to me interfering with Malfoy and the younger kid," I answered.

"Remind me to show you when we get back to the castle, but on my spare time I've been researching books in the library for you to help you lean more about Seers."

"If it's the one in the muggle religion book I already read it," I sighed.

"No. I found one even better," she said and before she could say more the boys came down to the common room. I made a mental reminder to tell myself to find that book with Hermione.

"About ready?" Ron questioned coming in with his gloves and beanie on, "I told everyone else to meet us at 1:00." It was finally the day of the next Hogsmead meeting since we decided to form a defensive group.

"You didn't tell a lot of people right?" Harry exclaimed.

"Uhm," Hermione hesitated, "just a fair few." We picked up our bags and started making our way down to Hogsmead. Hermione and I spent a good chunk of the morning preparing for what today looked like. We didn't want to be spotted or overheard so we chose a location far off the trail. And in case anyone wanted to report back to Umbridge, Hermione placed a genius hex on the parchment everyone was to sign before they left.

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