16: ☆ i am the chosen one ☆

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Turns out I missed a shit ton of drama that went down at the party last night, celebrating the Quidditch team's win. After my talk with Anastasia I went straight to the Owlery to get a letter to Sirius.

I couldn't reveal everything, specifically the part about the dark mark, but I could tell him that Draco's been assigned some sort of mission and I suspected he was the one behind the cursed necklace. I didn't bring up the part about the poisoned butterbeer because I knew he would tell my dad and I didn't want to give either of them another thing to worry about.

I went to bed right after returning from the tower, since by then there wasn't anybody partying in the common room at the late time I got back, and woke up to Hermione's puffy eyes. She refused to talk about it in the dorm room, so we got dressed and left to the library. Apparently, Lavender had finally made her move and kissed Ron in front of everyone yesterday. Ron being a boy didn't protest and clearly went along with the snogging fest.

"Wow Hermione I'm sorry," I apologized after she recounted the entire story back to me. Harry had tagged along with us to the library since Lavender attacked Ron as soon as we all woke up.

"Don't be! He's at perfect liberty to kiss whomever he likes. I really couldn't care less!" She said with her nose up in an attempt to sound carefree, "was I under the impression that he and I would be attending Slughorn's Christmas party together? Yes. Now, given the circumstances, I've had to make other arrangements." I squinted my eyes not really following what she meant. Did that mean she asked another boy to the party?

"Have you?" Harry asked in surprise.

"Yes. Why?" She placed her last book up on the shelf.

"Well, I just thought, seeing since we can't go with who we'd really like to, we should go together," he suggested, "as friends."

"Why didn't I think of that?" Hermione groaned out, disappointed she hadn't thought of the idea first.

"Well who are you going with then?" I elbowed her side wanting to know.

"Um, it's a surprise. Anyways, it's Harry we have to worry about. You can't take just anyone," Hermione said pointedly at Harry, "you see that girl over there? That's Romilda Vane," both of us turned slightly to see as girl at a nearby desk. She looked significantly younger than us and had black poofy hair that fell in curls, "Harry, she's been trying to smuggle you a love potion," I covered my mouth before laughing.

"No way!" I exclaimed looking to see his reaction. His face held an expression like he was proud to have a female admirer.

"Hey!" Hermione snapped her fingers, "she's only interested in you because she thinks you're the Chosen One."

"But I am the Chosen One," he said in a teasing tone which made Hermione and I both smack him, "okay, sorry, um... Kidding. I'll ask someone I like. Someone fun," he turned to me and raised his eyebrow.

"Honey is this your subtle way of inviting me?" I laughed at his terrible gesture.

"Yeah I mean I thought we could go as friends and everything—"

"Careful Harry this is the second event at Hogwarts you've invited me to. People might start to think you're falling in love with me," I sang and winked at him. Harry who was clearly uncomfortable looked down, while Hermione and I both laughed, "yes of course I'd love to go with you. I'm dying to know who Hermione invited anyways."

For the next couple days, I had an extremely hard time dividing my time up between Ron and Hermione. It felt like fourth year when him and Harry were fighting all over again. Both of them refused to be in the same room together unless it was for class.

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