28: ☆ funeral ☆

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A/N Okay this is super long just because I didn't want to break it into two chapters and it's the finale one soooo I apologize it for being so huge.


When the ceremony was over I stood up quickly to go find my family. My dad had joined the seat beside Remus and Tonks, so I gave Fred a head tilt to tell him i'd be right back.

"Hey dad," I said quietly and joined the circle of adults talking, "how's your shoulder?" After the attack on the castle I spent a full day in the hospital wing with my dad since he suffered from a dislocated shoulder when he had fallen on the floor harshly, trying to escape a curse that would've hit his head. There I told him everything that happened, all the attempted poisonings and Anastasia's betrayal.

"The pain comes and goes," he sighed and shrugged. His arm was in a small sling, trying to let it heal.

"You were one brave little fighter that night," Sirius pointed his finger at me and gave me a proud smile.

"Thank you," I forced myself to smile back, "plenty more where that came from."

"That's what I like to hear!" Sirius bellowed causing them group of adults to chuckle. He was the only person who could somehow make people laugh during a funeral.

While everyone else was talking dad pulled us away from the group of adults, "how are you dealing with all this?"

"I don't know," I answered truthfully, "It doesn't even feel real. Like i'm living in a movie or something."

"I know darling," he wrapped an arm around my shoulder to pull me in for a hug, "you have gone through way more than an average teenager should. And for that i'm sorry. I should've better prepared you for this, I failed as a parent—"

"Dad," I interrupted him and pulled out his chest, "you did not fail as a parent do you hear me? The only reason i'm so stubborn and determined is because of you. You shaped me to be the person I am today, and i'm not perfect but i'm pretty damn proud of myself," I smiled.

"When did it come down to this? My own daughter being the one to make me feel better," dad smiled sweetly down at me.

"I guess the roles have reversed," I teased. A couple of people came up to my dad and addressed him as Professor Pine, offering their condolences to all the teachers who had worked alongside Dumbledore, "i'll see you later dad," I waved at him and went to make my way back to Fred.

I spotted Pansy retreating back to the castle from where she sat in the back row with her other Slytherin friends. I felt a range of anger flow through me as I came to terms with she wasn't the one to try to poison me, but she no doubtedly was helping Draco.

I pushed past people and forced myself to catch up to her before she was gone.

"Parkinson," I barked and saw her entire group stop walking. I finally caught up with her and made the sternest eye contact I could, "we need to talk."

"Why's that Pine?" Blaise Zabini stepped forward in front of Pansy trying to be a looming figure between the two of us.

"It's fine Blaise. I can handle my own," she said cockily and I made sure to glare at her entire group before we walked off to the side, "we haven't spoken ever and now you think you can just—"

"You were helping Draco," I stated boldly and watched her expression falter, "I thought it was you trying to kill me all year but it was Anastasia. Was that your plan all along? You, her and Draco were going to start killing off students one by one—"

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