25: ☆ memory ☆

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I glared at the back of Aidens head when he walked down the boy's side of the dormitory. He was sporting a bruised lip and a black eye, limping towards the exit of the painting to head to breakfast. All of his injuries had been inflicted by me, Draco, Harry, and Ron combined. He knew better than to even dare approach me right now while I was surrounded by my friends and I was sober.

I explained what happened to Hermione the next day. It was a short conversation, not something I wanted to expand on, but I made her swear not to let Fred know. I knew he wouldn't be mad at me but instead try to murder Aiden, id tell him the next time I saw him when the time was right.

When I first woke up I got pitiful looks but I put on my strong face and tried to ignore everything that happened the night before, there were more important things going on in the world.

"That's it. All I need is a bit of luck!" Harry said at the same time when we were sitting on the couch. Exams started next week and we had a lot of material to look through.

"What are you talking about I asked about the ingredients for a sleeping draught?" I raised my brow at him.

"No! The memory! I can use the Felix potion," he stood up and ran to his room to go get it.

"I don't think that's the best idea," Hermione said reluctantly wanting to stand up and tell him no.

"Hermione leave him," Ron grabbed her arm and pulled her back down, "he's not using it to cheat on an exam. You know how hard he's been trying to get this memory." Harry came scuttling down the stairs in the next couple minutes and had the tiny golden potion in his fingers.

"You don't need to drink it all," Hermione sighed when she realized she couldn't convince him otherwise, "1/3 of the bottle should last you at least three hours." At that he turned the potion back and sipped it until almost half was gone.

"Well, how do you feel?" Ron asked curiously. Within a couple seconds a giant smile overtook his face.

"Excellent. Really excellent!" He grinned and looked at the common room as if he was seeing it in a new light.

"It's a great feeling when you take it," said Ron reminiscently, "like you can't do anything wrong."

"What are you talking about?" said Hermione, "you've never taken any!"

"Yeah, but I thought I had, didn't I?" said Ron, as though explaining the obvious, "same difference really..."

"I think Violet should go with you," Hermione added nervously shrugging off Rons idiotic comment, "just in case anything happens to you guys she'll know before it does." I nodded along with it, knowing that leaving the castle meant leaving Dumbledore's protection, and there was a dark wizard trying to kill us both.

"Okay let's go yeah?" I turned to Harry.

"You should know, Slughorn usually leaves the castle early, takes a walk, and then returns to his office," Hermione repeated his schedule to Harry.

"Right...I'm going down to Hagrid's," Harry smiled and turned around." Wait what?

"Harry, you've got to go to speak to Slughorn. We have a plan—"

"I know but I've got a really good feeling about Hagrid's. I feel it's—it's the place to be tonight. Do you know what I mean?" He nodded his head as if anyone understood what he was saying.

"No," the three of us chorused.

"Well, trust me. I know what I'm doing. Or Felix does," he finished and grabbed my arm to tug me out of the common room, "hi!" He greeted some incoming students.

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