Charger from god

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So one of the prongs or whatever on my charger snapped off like my dick before I was born, and all I did was stuck it back in and shoved it in the outlet. It works and my phone has risen from the dead. Does this happen with all chargers?! I got this shit like two or three Christmases ago and this bitch still holds almost as well as a Nokia under a hydraulic press. It started making a hissing noise beginning at the second time I plugged it in, so I currently don't have it in the outlet. Makes sense that it's broken though, I have my bed pressed up against it 24/7. Hell, I found it underneath my damn bed. But this fucker stood in the outlet with the might of Flex Tape. Motherfuckin Phil Swift must use this type to charge his phone or something. Oh well, catch you later, cultists.

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