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Eric sits in the passenger seat,fidgeting with the strings on his ripped jeans while Cameron hums along to the song on the radio tapping the steering wheel lightly to the beat. Swag contemplates pulling out his phone and finding something to do,but considers it rude and decides to find something to talk about. "So how've you been?" He questions quickly,taking Cameron almost by surprise.  He grins,"what are you my long lost aunt,'how've I been?' We live in the same house buddy" he laughs a bit. Eric crosses his arms,"well I was just trying to make conversation,it's boring in here." Eric points out,sounding a bit chilidish and agitated. Cam smiles,"I know,just weird choice of topic. Anyway what's been going on with you lately?" Eric keeps his eyes on the passing streetlights outside of his window,"What do you mean?" He replies nonchalantly. "I don't know.." Cameron takes the car into a big turn keeping his eyes on the road, "it just seems like you've been a bit reclusive lately,I know you want to move out and everything but you may as well enjoy being with us while you still are." Cameron smiles sadly,glancing at Eric who just nods, more than happy to use that excuse. "Yeah you're right,I guess." Cameron smiles and looks over at Eric,"of course I am" he says chuckling before turning up the music.

Eric and Cam ride the rest of the way without saying much,just enjoying the company and tunes. "Oh this is it" Cameron says pulling into the driveway of a house slightly smaller than their own. Cameron shifts to park and unbuckels himself opening the door,when he notices Eric hasn't budged. "Aren't you coming in?" Cameron questions. Eric groans and rolls his eyes,"I didn't want to,to be honest" he unbuckles hastily and exits the car. He and Cameron walk up to the door in silence,feeling intimidated. When they finally reach it Cameron points to the knocker and then the bell and makes a shrugging gesture,unsure which one to use. Swagger rolls his eyes again and rings the bell,making Fitz jump. Eric laughs quietly and they can hear the bell echoing through the house. As Swag listens he hears footsteps approaching the door. After several sounds of undoing of locks,the door finally opens,and the two are greeted by a short fraile,white headed old woman. She's wearing an oversized cardigan,its pockets full of several items weighing it down to her thighs, and glasses on a necklace dangling over her chest. "Oh you must be Cameron. Oliver said you were tall" she smiles sweetly,her hands clasping in delight,"boy was he right" she agrees laughing and craning her neck to look up at Fitz. Cameron scratches the back of his neck blushing slightly. "Well who's you're friend?" She asks now looking at Eric. "Oh I'm Eric,nice to meet you" he says extending his hand for a handshake,the old woman looks at his hand and just high fives it softly, chuckling. "You can call me Carylon,follow me" she says turning away from the two and into the house. Cameron and Eric give each other a quick glance and quiet laugh before entering the house. Eric falls in behind Cameron who first kicks his shoes off making Swag do the same. The house is nothing like what he expected on the trip here,it looks like his grandma's house. There are knickknacks and glass figurines on every bookshelf. The floors are nicely carpeted by thick rugs, something Swag's toes greatly appreciated. He couldn't help but wonder how on earth this sweet little old lady came to sell weed. The group stops as she comes up on a door next to a coffee table seating some potted Chrysanthemums. She digs around in her pocket making a huge racket until she pulls out a rather large set of keys. She starts to flip through them muttering quietly, "greenhouse...garage...poolshed..ah" she smiles back at the boys,as if to say here it is. She puts the key in the door and pushes it open. Swagger could pass out just from the sight of the back wall of the room,a huge bookshelf containing bongs of every type,color and size,from 8 and 12in up to 50in sitting on the floor next to the case. He blinks quickly and Carolyn starts to enter the room scooting along slowly. She sits down at the table in the center,where a huge ziplock bag sits full of green,next to some scales and small baggies decorated with alien heads. She gestures towards the bean bags in front of the low table for the boys to sit. "So how much did you want?" She asks putting her glasses on and sanitizing her hands. Cameron looks at Swagger bewildered,the pair of them were very shocked by the whole interaction. "Well,um,there's four of us and we all wanted 7 grams,so uh.." she smiles "that'd be 28 grams dearie" she explains sweetly,she starts picking up nugs from the bag and sitting them on the scale before packaging them individually. "Oh I almost forgot,would you like to try it? I personally just love this new strain,puts me to sleep like the cooking channel" Swagger laughs loudly,surprising even himself,he clears his throat and nods his head,"just pick a bong from the shelf behind me or if you'd rather roll there's a tray over there,but I may have to snag a drag if you do" he nods again and decides to take a bong having already smoked a joint earlier. He walks over to the cabinet and is a little intimidated by the vast selection,he decides on an 11in clear bong with a cone bowl. He brings it back over to the beanbag and Carolyn hands him a water bottle along with a pinch of bud,before getting back to weighing. Eric fills it up with water, having to ask about the complex chamber,and then packs the bowl; all the while Cameron watches him jealously. Swag puts it up to his lips,lights it and takes a big hit,it's so dank he can taste the smell as if he's eating it. He blows out the large cloud and tries to hold back the cough,his eyes watering. "Let it out" Carolyn says not looking up from the table,Eric obeys putting his face in the crook of his elbow and coughs into his jacket,until he can finally breathe again. He tries to pass it to Cameron,who puts up a hand in protest and shakes his head,"gotta drive." Carolyn chuckles,"fucking square,hand it here" Swagger hands it to her with a "fuck yeah" and a giggle,she lights the bowl, burning the entire thing in one go. "Holy shit" Cameron says quietly,thinking they're gonna kill the poor old woman. She blows it out shakily and lets out a single cough,"now that's how it's done" Swagger laughs,clapping.

After another bowl, and many conversations including the proper technique of toboggan knitting and what seasons in which you can plant cucumbers, Carolyn leads them back through the house and to the front door. She explains that she now wants a nap and wishes them goodnight. Cameron and Eric walk quietly back to the car,Cam unlocking it with the button. Both sit down and buckle up. One look at each other and they start laughing,to the point that Swagger is tearing up a bit,and Cam can't catch his breath,"oh... my god...i thought you were taking me...to some trap house." Eric struggles to say between fitz🙃 of laughter. "I had no idea it was gonna be the fucken sweetest old lady I'd ever meet" Cameron says before laughing again,"Oliver told me to lock my doors cause it's a sketchy neighborhood." They try many times to catch their breath and collect themselves but stoned Eric can't keep a straight face and everytime he looks at Cameron with his squinty eyes,Cam bursts out laughing. "Ok..ok..we gotta go mate it's already been an hour and a half,the boys are gonna be worried sick." Eric laughs slightly and then breathes a couple times through his nose and out his mouth,"alright I'm good now,I think..really stoned but I'm good." He says placing his hands on each of his thighs. "You better not be too stoned cause we still gotta smoke back at the house." Swagger chuckles softly,"never too stoned for more." Cameron chuckles backing out of the driveway and heading back home after a quick stop for a bite to eat.

Cameron swings open the door and is greeted with a dark and empty living room. "Honey I'm home!" He shouts walking toward the stairs, "and I brought grass!" He adds from the bottom step toward the second floor. Eric steps in as well and shuts the door behind him,walking over to the couch, and flops down. He now knew what Carolyn meant,his eyelids were so heavy. He was too sleepy to notice that no one else was coming down the stairs and Cam had gone up. He readjusted and put a pillow under his head,picking his feet up onto the couch. It wasn't long before everything was quiet and he dreamt of Carolyn dancing with cucumbers wearing purple toboggans.

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