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Swagger pulled the collar away from his neck, the itchy fabric making him a bit claustrophobic as he waited nervously on the couch for a knock at the door. With the boys out for the night he figured it would be easier to talk to Bee. Before he had another chance to recite what he would say to her, the doorbell rang. Standing and adjusting the shirt at his collar once more, he walks quickly to the door. Bee had had a haircut he immediately noticed, her dark hair now sitting at her shoulders, "your hair looks good." Eric blurted, making her tuck a strand behind her ear and look away, "-oh.. come in." He added quickly and stepping aside. She enters looking at Eric before taking in the living room, "it's kind of a mess in here," she said before turning back toward him. "Oh, yeah.. I was supposed to clean that up.. but I forgot." She smiled lightly, "of course you did pot-head." Eric chuckles softly, "do you want anything to eat or maybe some water or a soda?" She shook her head, "no, thank you." Eric sat down on the couch, "so you wanted to talk?" He said as if he'd practiced it one hundred times, which he had, nervously. She joins him, sitting down gingerly on the opposite side of the couch. "Yeah.. i figured i should apologize, i really over-" Eric shook his head and cut her off, "you dont have to apologize." She watches him for a minute, "yes i do Eric." She slides closer to him, "cause if i dont how are we gonna kiss and make up?" She places her hand on Eric's thigh, which he pushes away gently. "Actually, Bee, I..." he trails off nervously, dreading what he had to say. "What is it, Eric?" She prods, looking up at him nervously, "I just.. I-.. don't really want to do this here, I'm pretty sure Mason's jacked off in this exact spot at least twice." She smiles broadly, before grabbing his cheeks and pulling him in for a kiss. Eric stands taking her hand and helping her up before leading her down to the hall and to his bedroom with his heart in his throat. He closes the door behind her as she takes his cheeks in her hands once again, kissing deeply. Eric tries desperately to kiss back, but in his anxiety she keeps pulling away to say, 'too much tongue' or 'more tongue.' She starts to pull his collar as she walks backward to the bed, not seperating their lips. They both stop abruptly, the back of her knees hitting the bed frame and she flops down making the bed squeak lightly. Looking up at Eric and biting her lip, she starts to unbuckle his belt. He had to admit Bee was hot when she was worked up like this, but she was no Cameron. She unbuttons his pants, and looks up at him once more whispering an 'I love you Eric,' he smiles down at her, 'love you too Cam.' She stops immediately, her fingers still clasping each side of his open zipper. "What did you just say?" She said quietly, not looking up at him. "I said 'I love you too Bee'," he responded nervously, knowing there was no chance in hell that she hadn't heard him. She takes her hands from Erics waist, placing them on each side of her on the bed. "Who's Cam?" She asks lowly, not looking up from the floor. "Bee, I wanted to tell you.. but I didn't want to hurt you." She scoffs, "well good job Eric.." she says standing quickly and pushing passed him. He buttons his pants hastily and follows her as she leaves his room, "Bee, I'm so sorry." He says standing in the doorway, she turns back to look at him from the middle of the hallway, walking quicky towards him while saying, "What am I supposed to do with that Eric? You're sorry?.. You're sorry that you love someone else?..." He stands woth his mouth partially open, thinking of what to say. "I didn't mean to..." he says quietly before she snaps back, "how long, Eric?" He shakes his head, "How fucking long Eric?!" She asks angrily, her voice rising. "I've never cheated on you Bee.." he says timidly, feeling guilty. "That wasn't the question. How long have you been thinking of her while we were together?" He shakes his head, looking at Bee his mouth slightly parted, "I- I don't know.. a while.." she nods looking down, when she looks back up Eric notices tears in her eyes, making him feel unbelievably guilty. "Why didn't you just tell me?.. I would have understood.." her voice breaks, a single tear rolling down her cheek. "I wanted to really.. I just didnt know how.. I'm so sorry." She balls her fists at her sides, squeezing as she screams, "Stop apologizing Eric! It doesnt help anyone for me to hear how fucking sorry you are." He frowns biting his lip nervously, wanting to make her feel better, "I loved you." Something on her face changes as she marches up to Eric, who doesnt flinch. "Fuck you Eric." He braces, shutting his eyes tighlty as she raises her hand. He feels a sharp sting, and hears a loud smack before feeling pain shooting from his cheek. He opens his eyes to find Bee still stood in front of him, tears now rolling down her cheeks, "I loved you too." She whispers before walking down the hall. He hears the front door open, and hears the boys chatting loudly before Mason says 'hey Bee! What's u-...' but can only hear the door slam in response. Cam is the first to look down the hall to find Eric, looking small, tears slipping silently down his face with a red handprint on his cheek. He wipes his tears quickly and runs back into his room, slamming the door. He paces, breathing shakily when he starts hyperventilating, the itchy collar making him feel as though his throat was collapsing. Sobs and quiet wimpers leaving him he starts to fight the shirt, lifting it over his chest but it clung under his chin, soaking up tears. He grunts in frustration trying to rip the shirt off his head, when he hears two quiet knocks at the door. "Im busy right now!" He shouts, his voice cracking before he starts to cry harder. He gasps as he feels warm hands on his neck pulling the shirt over his face. "I said I was busy.." he mutters as Cam wipes at his tears, his cheeks and eyes red. Cameron looks down at him, a small frown on his face, but pulls him suddenly into a hug. Eric resists at first, pushing away from Cam's chest, who only squeezes him tighter, resting his chin on the top of Swagger's head. Eric settles, listening to to the slow, calm beats of Camerons chest, before he starts to cry quietly. Wrapping his arms tighlty around the taller before he begins to sob again, Cam responds by shushing him, stroking his head softly. Whispering quiet, 'itll be ok's and 'im right here'.

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