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Eric woke slowly, consciously trying to stay in his dream with Cameron, but the harder he fought the farther away his paradise became. He sighs heavily, his lids still closed, putting his hands up to his head, trying to squeeze away his pounding headache. Sleepily, he throws the cover back and trudges along to his bathroom. After using the restroom and washing his hands, he pours out two advil into his palm and pops them into his mouth, washing them down with some GamerSupps (use code Misfits). He scratches his stomach, and turns on the shower before peeling off his shirt when his reflection caught his attention. He rubs his eyes as he tries to concentrate on the mirror above his sink, 'what the fuck is...' he leans in, squinting, and then freezes suddenly, a tiny muffled gasp held behind his lips, "that's a hickey" he shout-whispers tracing the bruise on his bare chest, "oh my god... that's alot of hickies." He whispers putting his hands on his head and exhaling shakily. He takes another look into his mirror, and stares in awe of his neck and collarbone slightly resembling a dalmation. 'Is that... a bite mark?' He traces the purple teeth imprints with one finger, "What the fuck Cam.." he questioned to himself, pulling his pants and boxers down to his knees letting them slide down to his ankles before stepping out of them. 'Freaky bitch' he thought and scoffed as he pulled open the shower door and stepped inside.

Thinking of the heated exchange the night before, Eric got off twice in the shower, moaning loudly each time. Getting out he cursed himself for not owning a single turtleneck and supposed a hoodie would have to suffice; Which it didn't.. at all. He stood in front of his mirror repositioning the collar for the ninth time. He groaned in frustration, "fuck this" he mumbled angrily, flicking off his closet light and storming out of his bedroom door. As he turns the corner into the living room he can hear someone chatting loudly, "Well I told him, yknow, he'd get it stuck, but he just never listens right?" He slinks quietly through the living room and to the kitchen, luckily unnoticed. Reaching the counter he readjusts his hood, trying his hardest to pull it around to each side of his neck. Taking a plate from the cabinet he feels eyes on him, glancing back he's met with Cam watching him intently, making him turn back around quickly. Eric can feel his face get hot, his stomach starting to twist, he stares at the scrambled eggs in the pan, trying his hardest to realign his thoughts. He scoops two spoonfuls onto his plate and takes a piece of toast from the toaster before walking over to the table, careful not to look at Cam. He sits adjacent to Mas, while Cam and Tobi are sat across from him, Matt with Jay on one side of the table. "It was only like thirty minutes cunt!" Mason interjected Matt, causing everyone to laugh, Eric joined in, having heard this story a million times and knowing that Mas had gotten his ass stuck in a toddler swing at the playground near their home. Tobi stops laughing suddenly when she notices Eric, a quizzical look on her face. "What the hell happened to your neck Swagger?" Eric nearly choked on his toast, his heart beating in his ears, "Yeah, what happened Eric?" Cam questions smugly, squandering Eric's hopes that he would cover for him. Eric can feel heat in his chest, like magma boiling in his lungs. "Aw that's fucking hickies retards. Little Swaggie got laid." Mason says rustling Swaggers curls and laughing, luckily Matt and Tobi laugh along. While Cam just stares at Eric, smirking, clearly enjoying seeing him so flustered. "So you and Bee worked things out then?" Tobi questioned, glancing briefly at Cam and then back at Eric. "Not exactly" he answered nervously, growing slightly uncomfortable. "Ya fucking dog cunt! You brought someone home from the bar?" Mason laughs loudly punching Eric in the arm playfully. Eric laughs awkwardly, rubbing his arm "..maybe.." he laughs blushing slightly. The anxiety wasn't massively out of character, Eric being the private person he was. "Yeah, I guess that's why we didn't see you all night." Jay adds. Meanwhile Tobi just looks from Cam to Eric curiously, causing Cam to turn a light shade of pink as well. "Hey, I'm going out for a smoke, anyone wanna join?" Fitz says quickly, pushing himself up from the arms of his chair and heading to the back lawn. Mason shouts a 'fuck yeah', following Cameron out through the sliding door, Jay close behind. Matt explains he's going to his room as Eric scoots his chair out and standing up. With his turn dreadfully here, he begins picking up the boy's dishes from each of their seats. Tobi sits observing him, making him nervous, his movements getting clumsy. He picks up Tobi's plate when she grabs his wrist, looking up at Eric. He looks down at her face but looks back away quickly, "I know where those came from." Eric shrugs, keeping his eyes on a bread crumb on the table. "You don't have to be embarrassed, I'm happy for you two." She says through a smile, "maybe now he'll finally shut about you." She adds, causing Eric to look at her quizzically, "Eric, you idiot.. hes been into you for like two months. I was starting to wonder if you'd ever catch on." Eric blushes at the thought of someone like Cameron being interested in him. "Oh.. but what about Bee?" She asks hesitantly, Eric's heart drops a bit at the name. "Well she still never answered my texts.. she's really pissed." He says finally taking Tobi's dish and going to the counter. Tobi watches him then looks out the window at Cameron who's observing the pair closely, blushing and looking away when he sees Tobi notice. "But do you think it's over?" Tobi says quietly looking back to Swagger, who shrugs, sitting the dishes on the counter, "I don't know.. I'm gonna call her sometime today." he turns his head watching Cameron laugh goofily with Mas at the patio table, "Try to.. figure out what she wants to do..," he finishes with a soft sigh. "Just.. dont hurt her for him, Eric." Tobi warns standing and walking towards the stairs, leaving Eric stood there feeling guilty. He's staring spacily at the dirty dishes in the sink when he hears the patio door slide open, he turns his head to find Cam walking toward the sink with a bong in his hand. "What was that about?" He asked lowly, squeezing next to Eric and filliing the bong at the tap. "I don't know, she just said she was happy for us and asked about Bee." He whispers back watching Cam's hand twist the cold water knob, turning it off. "Oh.. well what about her?" Cameron said with a hint of, what seemed to Eric, a bit of jealousy. "If we're still together." He sighs crossing his arms, "I dont know what I'm going to tell her.." Cameron frowns, and puts a hand on the shorter's shoulder blade, "hey, there's no rush" Eric whines, whispering, "but I want you now.." Cameron smiles softly, shaking his head, "You gotta make this a bit easier on me Eric." Eric nods looking down. Cameron chuckles, turning away from him, before leaning down and whispering into Eric's ear, "but for the record, me too." Eric watches him leave, longing to be 'fucked right here on the kitchen counter.'

Eric flops back onto his bed, considering joining the boys with their smoke sesh in the back garden. But instead, takes his phone from his pocket, opening his messages.


'Are we going to be able to work this
out? I dont want to lose you'
9:13 pm

'Bee, are you there?'
9:32 pm

'Can we talk?'
10:17 pm

'Bee pls respond'
10:17 pm

'Im sorry'
3:13 am

He re-reads each message for the umpteenth time, sighing loudly. 'Ive done something really bad' he types, before shaking his head holding backspace. 'Is this working anymore?' He types again, he considers it briefly but deletes it with a groan. He stares at the blinking line in the text bar, pondering how on earth he could make this sound okay. 'Bee I'll always love you, but im covered in hickies from my best friend the giraffe who by the way i want to fuck me until i cant walk straight,' he types sarcastically, before locking his phone and tossing it to the other side of the bed rolling his eyes and groaning once more. He lays his arms out on either side of him staring at the celing, but huffs, picking up his phone once again. He clicks Bee's contact and presses call, putting the phone up to his ear. He counts seven rings, deciding to hang up on the ninth, when Bee clicks in on the other line.


..Hey, Bee

Hey, Eric..

..Are you ok?..

..I don't know..

I'm sorry..

You're always sorry..

I know..

I have to go Eric..

are we.. are we over?

Theres a long silence, as if she's considering breaking up with him on the spot.

Can I come over tonight around seven?

His face drops thinking of the hickies on his collar, before saying nervously,

Tonight?... yeah you can come over tonight.

Ok, I'll see you then, Goodbye Eric

Bye Bee

The phone clicks before he has a chance to bring it from his face. 'What the fuck am I going to tell her?' He had to find a turtleneck he thought suddenly. 'Who the hell wears tutlenecks?'

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