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He couldn't stop a smile creeping across his face as he breathed in deeply. The smell of Cameron making his endorphins scream. With a small grunt he stretched his limbs, his body vibrating slightly. He yawned quietly, wrapping his arm back around Cam and reclaiming his resting place on his chest. His eyes still closed, Cameron rubbed his shoulder where his hand lay draped over Swagger. He yawned and then sighed, "good mornin," his groggy voice nearly sent Eric into euphoria. "Mm, good morning," he chirped, looking up at Fitz. "So.. what does the knight want for breakfast?" Cam asked, pairing rosy cheeks with Eric's goofy smile. "I'm really not hungry." Cameron smiled, "thats not what I asked. What are you in the mood for?" Eric smiled slyly, "you.." Cameron grinned, suddenly rolling over top of Eric, straddling him, and pinning down his wrists at either side above his head. He leaned down close to Eric's face staring into his eyes before looking down to his lips and leaning down further. His warm breath could be felt on Eric's lips and, anticipating what was to come, he closed his eyes as Cam kissed him. He licked his bottom lip before pecking him once quickly and smiling, "soon," he whispered. He raised up quickly before hopping off to the side of the bed and walking over to the bathroom door. "When I get out I'm making you something to eat." He said sternly before stepping inside and leaving Eric flustered. He bit his lip while staring up at the ceiling, still unable to believe he'd woken up in Cameron's bed. He was overjoyed thinking of Cameron's, 'i love you,' the previous night; he replayed it in his head. But as the words echoed in his mind, there was still a bit of weight in his chest. He chalked it up to guilt for having these feelings for someone so quickly; for ruining a relationship over them. He rolled over to his side, exhausted from the burden of all he had been feeling lately. Pulling the blanket over his head he curled into Cameron's pillow, shutting his eyes tightly. Soon his breathing slowed and the thoughts swirling in his head grew quiet.

He was waken by a warmth on his cheek, his eyes fluttering open he was met with Cameron, planting a kiss on his face. He pulled back noticing he'd woken him, "sorry, I was going to let you sleep a bit longer," he whispered, sitting on the edge of the bed next to Swagger. Eric shook his head smiling softly, "it's ok," he responded, "I love waking up to you." He added, his smile widening. Fitz chuckled, "and I love seeing you in my bed," he said placing a hand on Eric's thigh before standing. "So.. scrambled eggs, or waffles?" Eric sighed, wishing the taller would drop the subject of eating. He pondered, each sounded like a chore to him. B wanting to please Cameron, he joked, "waffles. Did you even have to ask?" Fitz chuckled a bit nodding. "I'm going to get started then," he opened the door, "gonna have to make extra for Mason I'm sure." Eric laughed softly, "of course," he added puling the cover off of him. Fitz chuckled, closing the door behind him. Eric raised up, rubbing his head while studying Cameron's room. Blurry shapes from last night now coming together as a dresser, beanbag, and his guitar stood in the corner. Standing up he started over to the bathroom, 'no clothes,' he remembered before stopping abruptly. 'I mean.." he thought, looking over to the taller's closet, 'wouldn't be that weird.' He slid the door open and flipped the light on. Smiling broadly as he was met with, what seemed like, at least thirty over-sized hoodies. He flipped a few over before deciding on a gray one with the Nintendo logo printed across the front. He brought it up to his nose smelling deeply before he turned the light back off and closed the door. Heading for the bathroom he stopped yet again, 'underwear,' he marched over to his dresser. 'Might as well,' he shrugged, pulling open the top drawer and flushed a bit at the folded boxers, he took a black pair from the top of the stack. 'Now,' he walked back over to the bathroom the hoodie and underwear held under his folded arm; a man on a mission. The bathroom was still warm from the taller's shower and the mirror fogged up. He twisted the cold and hot water knobs before sitting his clothes on a shelf near the shower. He took off his shirt and slid down his pajamas. He picked them up before sniffing them and declaring them, 'clean enough,' then folding them and placing them on top of the pile of clothing. Finally, he stepped into the shower, letting the warm water wash him clean of what he felt like was years of filth and sadness.

He walked down the stairs slowly, loud excited chattering could be heard from the kitchen. He shouldn't be so nervous he thought, but it didn't stop his heart racing or his hands shaking. 'Its just the boys,' he thought finally. He hugged himself tightly, something he'd heard was meant to help with anxiety, and adjusted the oversized hoodie where it fell, above his knees. Taking a deep breath, he counted slowly in his head as he exhaled through his nose. He turned the corner to see everyone sat at the table, multiple waffles stacked on each of their plates. "There 'ee is, the cunt, back from the dead!" Mason shouted to Swagger from across the room. Matt laughed along as Tobi only stared at him, smiling warmly. Cameron hopped up walking quickly to the counter, "how many?" He asked, holding a plate and fork. Eric shrugged, "two's fine," he said quietly. Cameron nodded, taking them one at a time and sitting them on the plate. Eric walks over standing across from him, the island counter between them, "butter?" Cameron questioned looking up at him, Eric nodded and he picked up the butterknife taking a dab of butter from the container. Eric watched as the syrup lathered the waffles, filling in the square grooves of each of them. Cameron picked up the plate and walked down to the end of the counter meeting Eric and handing him his plate, "you look so cute in that.." he whispered into Erics ear before releasing the plate to him. Eric's cheeks grew hot and he looked to the rest of the boys nervously although they were still talking loudly. "Glad you think so," he whispered back before walking to the table, noticing the only empty chair was next to Cam's. He sat down, sighing in relief quietly as Cameron sat next to him. Eric sat at the edge of the table across from Mason, Jay and Tobi, while Cameron and Matt were on his side of the table. The group went quiet as he adjusted his chair, he looked up at them quizzically. "What?" He questioned, feeling a small tinge of annoyance. Mason only shrugged and went back to eating, but Tobi pushed her glasses up before saying, "we were all really worried about you.. that's all.. we're happy to see you out." She smiled warmly again, she was always good at comforting Swagger. Eric began eating, the first bite was like nothing he'd ever tasted, his first real meal in a week. He had to stop himself from eating like an animal as he continued, carefully cutting off corners. Concentrating so much on eating properly he hadn't heard Mason's question, but was interrupted by Cameron tapping lightly on his thigh under the table. "Huh?" He questioned looking up to him quickly, "what happened with her? She was fucken' fumin' when she left" Cameron kept his hand on Eric's leg, squeezing gently in an attempt to comfort him. Tobi slapped Zuckles on the arm, "ow!.. what?" He questioned as he rubbed his arm. "You don't have to talk about it Eric." Eric shook his head, repositioning slightly and clearing his throat. "I really upset her.. did and said the wrong things and she'd had enough I guess.. but I'm ok. Really. I'm sorry I had everyone so worried.." he finished lowly, looking down at his plate. Realizing that, once again, the food made him sick. Before he had a chance to hear any responses his phone buzzed twice. He looked to it nervously, knowing exactly who it'd be, Bea had been texting him repeatedly over the last few days. This time she'd asked him to return her sweater. Noticing that he wasnt the only one looking dreadfully at his phone, he flipped it over. Now placing his hand on Cameron's thigh he looked up at him giving him a half smile. Which he returned, although Eric couldnt help but notice the sadness in his eyes. That quickly, he felt the weight in his chest again, as if he was sinking. He was so tired of feeling so guilty all the time, 'I just want to be happy..'

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