❤︎ 3. Wʜᴇʀᴇ Fᴀᴛᴇ Lᴇᴀᴅs ❤︎

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After a long blissful day, Y/n and MERID finally returned to the castle

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After a long blissful day, Y/n and MERID finally returned to the castle.

Merid climbed down from his horse first then helped the h/c haired girl to climb down.

"I'm starving." He grumbled, patting Angus. "You'd be too, I guess."

But Angus replied by Striking his tail on Merid's face.

"Poof. Watch your –" Merid rubbed his nose, trying not to sneeze as y/n laughed, ruffling his red curls and pulled him away from the stable.


Both teenagers entered the kitchen, greeting everyone in their way.

"Evening, prince, y/n." the maids greeted back happily.

Merid took an apple from a plate as y/n slowly stole a plate full of sweets.

Amused, Merid smirked at the young girl, walking up to her and held the apple to her mouth and she happily took a bite from the apple, grinning.


Merid and y/n entered the dining hall quietly and they saw-

Hubert and Hamish were half asleep as Harris mimiced with Fergus who was telling his famous story.

"From nowhere, the biggest bear you've ever seen! His hide littered with the weapons of fallen warriors — " Fergus and Harris trailed their pointer finger across their left eye. "His face scarred with one dead eye! I drew my sword, and..."

Merid interrupted his father as He walked behind them and dramatically shouted

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Merid interrupted his father as He walked behind them and dramatically shouted. "Whooosh!" Awakening Hubert and Hamish.

Merid continued when he noticed his brothers were now listening in full interest. "One swipe, his sword shattered, then, chomp! Dad's leg was clean off! Down the monster's throat it went."

"Aww, that's my favorite part!" Fergus pouted disappointed.

Y/n smirked and walked to the triplets as Merid walked past his father to the other side of the table and sat down.

Wʜᴇʀᴇ Fᴀᴛᴇ Lᴇᴀᴅs (Male!Merida x Fem!Reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now