❤︎ 12. Wʜᴇʀᴇ Fᴀᴛᴇ Lᴇᴀᴅs ❤︎

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🎵"A naoidhean bhig, cluinn mo ghuth Mise ri d' thaobh, Ó mhaighdean bhàn"🎵

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🎵"A naoidhean bhig, cluinn mo ghuth
Mise ri d' thaobh, Ó mhaighdean bhàn"🎵

Elinor's sweet voice filled the tapestry room as see sang "Noble Maiden Fair" while working on a tapestry, sitting on a chair next to the fire place.

On the floor 8 year old Merid and 5 year old Y/n were playing with a toy horse.

🎵"Ar rìbhinn òg, fàs a's faic
Do thìr, dìleas fhéin"🎵

Elinor looked at the two kids and smiled to herself as see continued to sing.

🎵"A ghrian a's a ghealach, stiùir sinn
Gu uair ar cliù 's ar glòir"🎵

She looked towards the window. It was a dark night, heavy rain pouring outside. Suddenly a loud thunder rumbled with lightning, scaring Merid and Y/n. They both screamed in fear and ran to Elinor.

Merid looked up at his mother with wide eyes which showed fear and the little h/c haired girl buried her face in Elinor's neck after the queen placed the little girl in her lap protectively.

"Nohona hona whee." (I don't know it's the correct sentence or not. )

She looked at Merid. "My brave wee lad." Then she turned to the girl in her arms who was now looking at her with glistening eyes. "My bonny wee lassie. I'm here." She stroked both of their hair softly, comforting them.

"I'll always be right here." she assured as Merid hugged her mother and y/n. Then Elinor started to sing again to distract the little ones from the thunder.

Merid began to sing along with his mother and little Y/n tried to repeat the right words as she rested her head on Elinor's shoulder, playing with Merid's red curly hair.

"A naoidhean bhig, cluinn mo ghuth
Mise ri d' thaobh, Ó mhaighdean bhàn"


Merid opened his eyes and blinked few times to adjust his eyes in the bright light. He looked down and saw y/n was still sleeping on his chest as he had his hands securely wrapped around her.

He smiled and kissed her forehead causing her eyes to flutter open. She looked up at him through half opened eyes and smiled.

"Sorry didn't mean to wake you up, Beautiful." Merid's raspy morning voice rang out in y/n's ear who was blushing furiously because of the position they were currently in. Their lips were merely an inch away.

She gulped but didn't move, in fear if she moved their lips will be touching.

"Its fine." She shuttered, her own voice hoarse.

Wʜᴇʀᴇ Fᴀᴛᴇ Lᴇᴀᴅs (Male!Merida x Fem!Reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now