❤︎ 4. Wʜᴇʀᴇ Fᴀᴛᴇ Lᴇᴀᴅs ❤︎

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Merid dragged Y/n to his room

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Merid dragged Y/n to his room. He let go her hand after entering the room. He picked up his sword and struck it in his bedpost in anger. y/n just let him to take out on it and sat down on his bed.

After few minutes Merid calmed down, painting heavily. He turned around to look at Y/n who was staring at the floor blankly.

"I can't just marry someone, y/n." He stated.

Y/n looked up, directly in Merid's eyes. "Why?" she asked.

She wanted him to confess. She wanted him to tell her he loved her. She wanted tell him she love him too.

Merid sighed and crouched down in front of her. He gently took her hands in his and kissed them as Y/n followed his every move carefully. Her beautiful e/c eyes reminded him of the time when he first met her on the forest.

He smiled softly remembering the memories.

He gave her hand a small squeeze. He had to tell her. 'Now or never'. He took in a deep breath. "Y/n." he started.


" I ", he took another deep breath trying to control his fastening heartbeat.

"You." y/n said, looking at him with hope in her eyes.


He stopped when they both saw Elinor walked in.

Elinor glanced at them. Maybe she didn't noticed how close the two teenagers were sitting or just ignored it in denial.

Merid closed his eyes in defeat. He gave y/n's hand one last squeeze and stood up. 

" Mother!" he shouted looking at Elinor with narrowed eyes. "Marriage!" he exclaimed, waving his hands in air and glared at her.

Elinor walked toward the chessboard as she ignored her son and started- "Once there was an ancient kingdom."

Merid groaned in annoyance and plopped down on his bed beside y/n. "Aah! Mom!" he slid down the bed. "Ancient kingdom!"

Elinor ignored him and continued as she set up the chess board on a nearby table. "Its name long forgotten, ruled by" she picked up the white king and turned to Merid and y/n. "A wise and fair king who was much beloved. And when he grew old" she set up the piece on the table.

"He divided the kingdom among his four sons. That they should be the pillars on which their piece of land rested." She said as she set up three other pieces in form of square and placed the chess board above the four pieces.

She looked at y/n and motioned her to continue, knowing her son will listen to y/n more attentively.

Y/n nodded, understanding and began to narrate rest of the story as Merid who was now sitting on the floor looked up at her.

Wʜᴇʀᴇ Fᴀᴛᴇ Lᴇᴀᴅs (Male!Merida x Fem!Reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now