❤︎ 11. Wʜᴇʀᴇ Fᴀᴛᴇ Lᴇᴀᴅs ❤︎

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The triplets were helping their brother, mother and Y/n to sneak out from the castle by distracting their father and the others who were hunting their mama-bear

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The triplets were helping their brother, mother and Y/n to sneak out from the castle by distracting their father and the others who were hunting their mama-bear.

When they finally reached the back door, Elinor turned and gave a worrying look towards the triplets.

Y/n sat down on her knees and wiped the dirt from the triplets face's and gave them a look. "You three, Don't get into more trouble until we comeback ok?" She asked loudly causing them to nod quickly.

Then she leaned forward and pulled them in a big hug and whispered, "Or maybe you can cause a little bit of trouble. Just don't get caught. Make me proud."

She pulled away and winked at them causing the boys to grin at her fondly. One by one they kissed her cheek making the girl smile brightly as Merid stared at them lovingly.

"They'll be fine. Won't you, boys?" Merid asked when he saw his mother's worried look. The boys nodded their heads in fake obedience.

Then He turned to mama-bear, "Mom, we've got to hurry! y/n come on!"

Y/n rolled her eyes at him and got up as Merid pushed his mom out the door and turned to the triplets.

"Now, We'll be back soon. Go on and help yourself to anything you want, as a reward." He dismissed them and closes door as y/n waved at the boys for one last time.

The triplets happily looked around the kitchen and saw the half eaten witch's cake. They greedily headed towards it.


After leaving the castle, Merid, y/n and Bear Elinor headed out to the forest.

They were currently standing in the middle of Ring of the Stones.

"Where are these wisps? Come out wisps. Come on out! Lead me to the witch's cottage! I'm here. You remember y/n? You led me to her when we were kids."  Merid called out for the wisps and Y/n's reddened.

"Fine, don't come out now that my mom's watching!" Merid scowled when he didn't see any wisp.

Elinor and Y/n shared a confused glance and looked at Merid questioningly.

"I was standing right here, and the wisp appeared right there! Then a whole trail of them led me off into the forest" Merid explained when he saw them looking at him with confused look.

Elinor held her hand up to stop him from farther explanation. She grabbed y/n's hand carefully and protectively and started to walk off into the forest causing y/n to roll her eyes.

Merid looked at their retreating figure and mumbled to himself, "Does she think that I just happened upon a witch's cottage?"


After walking a while in the forest Y/n abruptly stopped in her track Causing Merid and Elinor to stop themselves as well.

"Y/n?" Merid asked as Elinor tried to call her in her bear-ly voice to get her attention.

Wʜᴇʀᴇ Fᴀᴛᴇ Lᴇᴀᴅs (Male!Merida x Fem!Reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now