❤︎ 6. Wʜᴇʀᴇ Fᴀᴛᴇ Lᴇᴀᴅs ❤︎

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Everyone was gathering around a huge field where the archery targets were being arranged

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Everyone was gathering around a huge field where the archery targets were being arranged. People laughed, danced and the kids played as the clan daughters prepared for the Game.

The trouble Triplets were busy trying to steal sweets from maid-friendly Maudie.

A horn was loudly blown by a soldier, indicating they were prepared for the game as Fergus's two dogs howled with the horn.

Three clan leaders stood in the front of the crowd.


Merid was lazily sitting in his seat under the shelter which was specially created for the royal family. Y/n was sitting on his chairs' hand rest, fanning herself and Merid with a paper. 

Elinor narrowed her eyes at the teenagers and gave a disapproving look causing Y/n to instantly stand beside Merid in 'lady-like' manner and Merid straighten up in his seat with feigning interest towards the game.

Fergus walked in front with Elinor and announced, "It's time!"

The crowd cheered. Three clan leaders 'Accidentally' bumped shoulders, glancing at each other.

Elinor looked at her husband who was rubbing his jaw thoughtfully, trying to remember what to say next.

So she decided to help him and reminded. "Archers, to your marks!"

Fergus smiled at her gratefully and repeated, "Aye! Archers, to...your marks!"

"And may the lucky arrow find its target!" Elinor finished.


No one noticed when Merid smirked and slowly hid his bow and arrow behind y/n who watched him amused and raised an eyebrow.

Merid gave her mischievous smile, winking then turned back to face the cheering crowd.


The crowd continued to cheer as the three young clan daughters got ready to shoot their arrows.

Lord MacGuffin's daughter looked around crowd nervously and gulped in fear, taking the bow and arrow in her hand.

Lord Macintosh's daughter flipped her hair arrogantly and made some n̶o̶t̶ s̶o̶ innocent poses with her bow and arrows.

Lord Dingwal's Daughter........well she's a whole different story. She lazily picked up her bow and examined it with half opened eyes then suddenly started to pull the string of the bow like she was playing lyre.

"Oi! Get on with it!" Fergus yelled.

Miss Young MacGuffin came forward nervously and shot first but hits the edge of the target. She sighed disappointed. Behind her, her father groaned, face palming and the other two clan leaders snickered.

Wʜᴇʀᴇ Fᴀᴛᴇ Lᴇᴀᴅs (Male!Merida x Fem!Reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now