❤︎ 16. Wʜᴇʀᴇ Fᴀᴛᴇ Lᴇᴀᴅs ❤︎

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After Elinor ran off and got spotted by the lords, she quickly made it out of the castle grounds as they started to attack her

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After Elinor ran off and got spotted by the lords, she quickly made it out of the castle grounds as they started to attack her.


Back in the tapestry room, Fergus stood up, groaning in pain.

"Dad!" Merid exclaimed as Y/n sighed in relief seeing the king was okay.

"Oh, count your stars, lad, lass. It almost had you two. Are you hurt?" Fergus asked, looking at them in worry.

"We are fine." Y/n assured the worried king.

Merid shook his head and blurted out, "It's your wife, Elinor!"

"You're talking nonsense!" Fergus snapped, rolling his eyes.

"It's the truth! There was a witch and she gave me a spell. It's not Mor'du!" Merid told his father truthfully.

Fergus pushed him aside as he went towards the door. "Mor'du or not, I'll avenge your mother! I'll not risk losing you two!" With that he walked out of the room and locked the room.

"What!?!!" y/n shouted.

She and Merid rushed to the door banged at the locked door. "NO!Open the door! We need to help her!"

"No, dad! Just listen to me!" Merid yelled, looking through the small square hole on the door. "Listen, you can't! It's your wife, Elinor!"

Fergus ignored the two teens and walked to Maudie who was looking at the scene in distress.

"Maudie keep this" He handed the tapestry room's key to her. "And don't let them out!"

"What about the bear?" Maudie asked in fear.

"Just stay put." Was all Fergus said before he went after the bear Elinor.


Merid kicked the door, trying to open it. Failed.

Y/n picked up a chair and threw it on the door. Failed again.

Next Merid picked up a poker rod from the fire place and hit the door with in. Failed once again.

He put the poker in between the door then both Merid and y/n pushed it with all their forces. The poker broke but the door was still unharmed.

"Ugh" Merid groaned in frustration, holding the broken poker.

Y/n heard some horse neighing from below the castle. Curiously, she went up to the window. "Merid!" She called out.

Merid came to her and gave her a cofused look when she pointed at the window. He shrugged and broke the window glass with the poker.

Both of them looked out the broken window and watched in horror as the soldiers and lords went to the forest after Bear Elenor lead by Fergus.

Wʜᴇʀᴇ Fᴀᴛᴇ Lᴇᴀᴅs (Male!Merida x Fem!Reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now