❤︎ 10. Wʜᴇʀᴇ Fᴀᴛᴇ Lᴇᴀᴅs ❤︎

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Bear Elinor paced around and growled in frustration as if she was lecturing Merid with her not understandable bear language

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Bear Elinor paced around and growled in frustration as if she was lecturing Merid with her not understandable bear language.

Merid who was now sitting in the broken bed, arms crossed, looked at Elinor and grumbled, "There's no point in having a go at me! The witch is to blame! Googly eye!"

Elinor found her crown and puts it on as Merid continued his rambling, "I'll go over to her place. Unbelievable! I'll get her to fix this."

Elinor picks up her torned dress and placed it infront of her. It was too short she won't fit in it. She shook her head in disappointment and tried another dress. But failed again.


Furgus sniffed the air once again. "Everybody follow me." He ordered and ran towards the stairs.

He stopped for a moment. "and keep a sharp eye." He whispered and resumed his running.

"Here we go another hunt through the castle." Lord Dingwall said rolling his eyes and stood up as the Others followed the king.


Elinor wrapped a bed sheet to cover her body and decided to leave her room.

"Mom, you can't go out there! Mom! What are you doing!" Merid tried to stop his mom from leaving by blocking her path.

Elinor gave him a look that said 'Are you blind?'

Merid shook his head and waved his hands in air. "Dad! The Bear King! If he so much as sees you, you're dead!"

Suddenly Merid heard Fergus, who's heard the commotion and was heading towards them followed by the lords, and other soldiers.

Elinor looked around and headed the other way.

"Mom! Wait!" Merid followed her, trying to stop Elinor from sneaking out, Merid snatched off Elinor's bed sheet that she wrapped around herself.


"You're covered with fur! You're not naked! It's not like anyone's gonna see you!" Merid added, rolling his eyes when he saw Elinor tried to cover herself in embarrassment.

Feelin eyes on them, Merid and Bear Elinor turned to their left and saw the castle-friendly maid Maudie standing in the hallway looking at them in horror.

Elinor awkwardly waved at her causing her to scream as she ran far away from them.

"Now you've done it." Merid sighed.


Maudie ran through the hallway still screaming. But stopped as soon as a sword was placed in front of her neck by the king himself.

Realizing it was only Maudie, Fergus took away the sword. "Maudie!"

"Just calm down, lass." He added when he saw she was struggling to breathe.

Wʜᴇʀᴇ Fᴀᴛᴇ Lᴇᴀᴅs (Male!Merida x Fem!Reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now