❤︎ 14. Wʜᴇʀᴇ Fᴀᴛᴇ Lᴇᴀᴅs ❤︎

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Merid, Y/n and Elinor peaked at the castles, hiding behind a rock and looked at soldiers who were keeping a sharp eye at the surroundings

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Merid, Y/n and Elinor peaked at the castles, hiding behind a rock and looked at soldiers who were keeping a sharp eye at the surroundings.

Elinor grunted and turned away, already knowing it was a bad idea and they were going to get caught in no time.

Merid sighed and looked at his mother in frustration, "Mum! Do you have a better idea.?"

Elinor huffed then stopped as her eyes lit up.


They were in front of dark closed tunnel as Elinor used her strength to open the tunnel.

"Huh. That will do!" Merid said impressed when Mama-bear finally opened it.

"Oh! this is bloody brilliant!" Y/n cheered and walked inside the tunnel. Followed by Merid and Elinor.


Merid, y/n and Elinor sneaked back through an old well and crept into the castle. They stopped when they heard commotion from the great hall.

Y/n and Merid sared a confused glance and peaked into the Great Hall and saw that Fergus and the lords were fighting again.


"No more talk! No more traditions! We settle this now!" Lord MacGuffin held his sword and pointed it to Fergus, who looked unamused.

"You are the King!" Lord Macintosh yelled as he pointed his weapon at the king as well. "You decide which one of our daughters your son will marry."

"None of your daughters are fit to marry my son!" Fergus growled as he shielded himself from a weapon, Lord Dingwall threw. "And I already have a daughter. So I don't need another one for my son!"

"Then our alliance is over. This means war!" Lord Dingwall declared.

Everyone started to fight again.


"They are gonna murder each other." Merid stated as he turned to his mother in worry. "You've gotta stop them before it's too late."

Elinor and y/n gave him a look as they pointed out Elinor's bear appearence.

"I know! I know!" He sighed, massaging his forehead.

"But the main question is how do we get her throw there and up to the tapestry with the lot of them boiling over like that?" Y/n asked looking at two, raising an eyebrow.

"Huh" Merid groaned, pulling his red curls in distress.

Elinor looked down thoughtfully then pointed at two teenagers who stared at her in shock.


Everyone in the great hall stopped fighting as they saw Merid and Y/n slowly walked into the middle of the room.

Wʜᴇʀᴇ Fᴀᴛᴇ Lᴇᴀᴅs (Male!Merida x Fem!Reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now