❤︎ 15. Wʜᴇʀᴇ Fᴀᴛᴇ Lᴇᴀᴅs ❤︎

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In the tapestry room Merid and y/n touched the tear in Elinor's tapestry, examining it

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In the tapestry room Merid and y/n touched the tear in Elinor's tapestry, examining it.

"Mend the bond. Mend the bond!" Merid gasped in realisation. "Stitched up! This will change her back."

Y/n nodded, agreeing. "We just need a needle and thread."

Elinor nodded and went to look for needle and thread. She pushed a bowl of fresh apples on a table to open a chest. But she suddenly growled looking at the fruits and started to sniff them.

Merid looked at her, puzzled, "Mom! Mom, not now!" he groaned as he saw his mother acting like a wild bear again. "No! Please, not now! Mom!"

Then he stopped, "Mom's acting like a real bear, then..." he trailed of looking at y/n who was staring at a wall blankly.

Merid's heart dropped. He already assumed this was happening because of the spell but now he got the proof. Whenever Elinor was effected because of the spell, y/n did too.

He drew in a long breath and went to her. He softly caressed her cheeks, "Hey sweetheart, can you hear me? Y/n?"



A giggle filled the small house as 3 year old girl with beautiful e/c eyes and h/c hair clumsily ran around and a beautiful h/c haired woman chased after her, laughing.

The little girl squealed as her mother caught and picked her up, spinning around causing her to laugh in joy.

"What my Bonny lassie want to do today." She said as she playfully rubbed her nose against the little 3 years old's nose.

"Papa!! Help papa!!" The little girl suggested clapping her hands.

"Hmm.. so my wee darling wants to help her papa today??" The woman hummed, raising an eyebrow as the little girl nodded eagerly. "Let's find papa then." the woman exclaimed dramatically tickling her daughter who giggled in delight.

The woman picked up some food for her husband and carrying her daughter, she walked out closing the door behind them.


The woman stopped near the forest where her husband should be working but there was no one.

"Papa?" The little girl asked looking up at her mother.

Her mother masked her worry and looked at daughter, smiling. "He must be-" she stopped when she heard growling behind the trees.

She turned towards the trees and saw a black silhouette standing there staring at them.

She held her daughter closer protectively and walked backwards in fear.

The silhouette slowly came out of his hiding, revealing the famous demon bear. Mor'du.

Wʜᴇʀᴇ Fᴀᴛᴇ Lᴇᴀᴅs (Male!Merida x Fem!Reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now