❤︎ 9. Wʜᴇʀᴇ Fᴀᴛᴇ Lᴇᴀᴅs ❤︎

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Merid finally returned to the castle and silently walked into the kitchen

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Merid finally returned to the castle and silently walked into the kitchen. He could hear the faint voices of his fathers and others singing 'The defeat of Mor'du' song in the thorn room.

He looked around and found the kitchen was empty, just like he wanted.

He wasted no time and began to prepare a tea tray for his mother and placed the cake on the tray perfectly as his mother always liked.

He picked up the tray ready to go towards his mother's chamber when the door was suddenly yanked open by the soon-to-be victim herself.

"Merid!" Elinor breathed in relief at the sight of her son.

"Mom! Oh...uh...I...um..." Merid shuttered not expecting his mother to be here.

"Oh, I've been worried sick!" Elinor rushed to her son, checking for any kind of injury.

"You...you were?" Merid asked softly.

"I didn't know where you'd gone or when you'd come back! I didn't know what to think! Oh, look at you dress!" Elinor looked at his dirty and torn attire in worry.

"Oh, Angus threw me." Merid revealed. "But I'm not hurt." He quickly added, trying to not worry his mother more. He might be angry at her but he still loved his mother.

Elinor smiled and gently said, "Well, you're home now. So that's the end of it."

"Honestly?" Merid asked as his face lit up thinking her mom finally called out the marriage.

"I've pacified the lords for now. You're father's out there 'entertaining' them." Elinor motion towards the throne room dramatically.

"Of course, we both know a decision still has to be made. And I need to talk to Y/n." She sighed.

Merid's face fell instantly. His mother still cared about the marriage. He turned and picked up the plate of cake.

Elinor looked at the cake in confusion. "What's this?"

Merid smiled innocently and held it out for her.  "It's a peace offering. I made it, for you!"

"You made this for me?" Elinor took the plate of tart and raised her eyebrow. She was impressed.

She took a small slice of the cake and chewed for a moment "Mm."

Merid noticed Elinor's face was suddenly twisted. "Interesting flavor."

"How do you feel?" Merid asked.

"What...what is that?" Elinor questioned.


"Tart, and um...gamy!" Elinor stated and placed her hand on her mouth feeling sick and puts the plate of tart down.

"Have you changed your mind at all about the marriage and all that?" Merid look at his mom expectantly.

Wʜᴇʀᴇ Fᴀᴛᴇ Lᴇᴀᴅs (Male!Merida x Fem!Reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now