Chapter 1

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"Due to personal reasons I have decided to pass away," I mumbled. I got number 45. Fuck I was hoping to get 69 or 420.

"My my my. What's got you all gloomy?" Hisoka asked.

"Nothing. What's taking so long anyways?" I asked.

"I don't know actually. They usually wait for more people. Anyways we've never gotten any time to talk at all. You're always with Chrollo or Feitan. So tell me how is it like to be Chrollos sister?" Hisoka smiled.

"Not very fun. He's so boring sometimes. But if you're hoping to get his weaknesses you won't get them out of me," I say. He then puts a card on my neck and I freeze.

"That wasn't what I wanted at all," He said.

"Oh finally. The sweet relief of death," I say.

"I like you. You're fun ," He says as he takes the card out of my neck. We then wait there for more moments. New people started coming. I left Hisoka to perv around for a while.

"Oh hi I'm Tonpa. You must be a rookie am I right?" Tonpa asks all smiley.

"Hi Tonpa. Yeah I am! My name is (Y/n) Lucifer!" I smile.

"Lucifer? That's an odd last name," Tonpa says as he offers me a drink. I drink it and smile.

"Well I find it to be a cool name!" I smile. "By the way Tonpa. If you're trying to poison me, it isn't very effective," I say. I walk back to Hisoka.

"He's seem scared," Hisoka said.

"I didn't scare did I?" I ask. He just pats my head. More and more people come. Then there's someone I notice. "Interesting," I smirk.

"Huh?" All three of them notice me.

"Oh hi Tonpa!" I smile. He looked scared. "Hello guys. My name is (Y/n) (L/n)," I smile.

"Of the (L/n) family?" The blond asked.

"Yes!" I smile.

"I'm very sorry to hear what happened to them," The blond says. "The fire was a travesty. Your family was quite strong!" He said.

"Its alright... It happened a while ago anyways. Anyways who are you three?" I asked.

"I'm Leorio!" The tall guy with glass said.

"I'm Gon!" The kid said.

"I'm Kurapika. Of the Kurta clan," The blond said. I flinch. 'Shit,' I thought.

"I'm very sorry to hear about the Kurta clan as well!" I say paying my respect. I had realized that he was somewhere there . We all then talk and Tonpa warns them of some people. I leave their little conversations.

"That girl named y/n is quite odd as well. She seems normal but she seems to know Hisoka," I hear Tonpa say. I snicker.

"Ah where did you go?" Hisoka asked amused.

"I went to go make new friends," I smiled.

"Any interesting ones?" He asked.

"A few caught my eye," I say.

"Oh~. Do tell?~" Hisoka said.

"I see one toy. A pretty one, with blond hair.x That's about it. But that ones mine! You find your own!" I say.

"You're so whiny sometimes. But at least it's you and not ~Chrollo~," Hisoka moaned. I just shiver.

"What do you even want from my brother?" I asked.

"He has incredible power~," Hisoka replies. I just nod.

"Yeah my brother's the coolest!" I smile. We then stop talking and I remember something.


"You wanted to see me Chrollo?" I asked.

"Yes I did. (Y/n) I need you to get your hunters license," Chrollo said.

Love That Isn't so Forbidden (Illumi x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now