Chapter 2

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"Huh? Why?" I asked Chrollo.

"You're still pretty young. You should get a hunters license. It might be useful," He said.

"Ugh!! I'm 20. Also becoming a hunters is too much work!!" I complain.

"So stealing from people isn't?" Chrollo raised his eyebrow.

"That's different because all I need to do is something simple! In the hunters exam there's no telling what I have to do!" I whine.

"You're so whiny sometimes," He said as he rolled his eyes.

"I am your sister after all!" I say. "Oohh!!" I exclaim.

"Nice one little boss!!" Uvo said from the room next door.

"Thanks Uvo!!" I yell. Chrollo chuckles and then lightly hits me with his book. "Ow that hurt!!" I say.

"No it didn't stop lying. Now let me tell you how to get over to the exam spot," Chrollo then explains everything.

"Ah ok!" I say.

"Also one more thing. Hisoka is going with you," Chrollo said calmly.

"You want me to take the pedo? Ah ok. Funny joke. Who am I actually taking? Shalnark? Machi?" I asked.

"Hisoka," Chrollo told me.

"So I'm taking a clown like myself. Got it T^T," I say. I then make my move
to leave.  "Suddenly I cannot see," I tell him.

"Stop watching vines! They're messing with your mind!" Chrollo also said.

"Mother trucker dude!" I shout. "I quote them religiously!" I say. "Same with the Brandon Rogers Shit!!" I yell as I close the doors after that Chrollo started training me for about a week.

He made sure to not go easy on me. He wanted to make sure I was prepared. I was completely ready for the exams. Until I had to leave with Hisoka.


That's how I got here. 'Chrollo if Hisoka doesn't kill you I'm gonna do it!' I thought irritated. Then suddenly the first phase began. We just had to walk. I found this easy.

"Oh (y/n) sorry," Kurapika said as he bumped into me.

"It's ok!" I smile. Then all of a sudden we started running. "I hate running," I mumble. Me and Kurapika talked for a bit trying to distract ourselves.

I bump into someone with a lot of pins in their faces. They looked cool. "Oh sorry!" I apologize. They say nothing and I just smile at them. "My names (Y/n). What's yours?" I asked.

"Gittarackur," The man said looking at me only slightly.

"Nice to meet ya. You have a weird name and face. I find you cool," I say bluntly. He had an emotionless  face. I smile at him. I just continue to run.

I see that people are already giving up. "Seems like that know it all kid have up already. I don't see him at all. What a shame," I say to myself. I notice that Gon and Killia start to race. I smile. This is gonna be a lot of work.

Love That Isn't so Forbidden (Illumi x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now