Chapter 9

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I looked at Illumi. This was not the ideal way. I had expected to fall. I wantsed to fall. I wanted to hit the ground just so that I can have something. Feel the reality of it all. That makes no sense but to me it does. And illumi took it away by catching me. He's a taker.

"In the cave you said you knew who I was. You even knew my last name?" I stated. "You know what I've done and who I am," I say. "So Zoldyck why haven't you killed me?" I asked.

"My family finds your people important, you are not important to me in the slightest. I need you back in one piece," Illumi says. "As you are the last of the l/n family," Is what he says simply.

"I'm sure your family doesn't need me all in one piece," I joke. I refused to look at his eyes. I know what they say. I refuse. But in the end I stared at his beautiful blank expression. His pale complexion. His eyes telling me 'I need you in one piece'. I cup his face with hands softly. I could feel his arms wrapping around me.

"What are we?" I asked softly. He doesn't answer. I can hear his hart beat. It's so calm. "Why do you pretend?" I asked. He leans in slightly careful as if I I'm fragile and will break at any moment.

"You are just confused," He said softly. "If this were to work out you will get hurt, by so many people and possibly by me and I cannot allow thwt to happen," He says.

"You changed that night," I say. He places me gently to the floor. "Illumi you are beautiful," I say in a whisper, too afraid to say it. I'm not sure what we are. Who we are. This is all confusing and this all feels rushed. But that night. How could he forget or pretend not to remember me so easily? When I noticed and remembered him so easily.

"Y/n, you remind me of the beautiful night sky, you burn so bright yet you are so far away from me. Always and forever," He says. He looks at me as if I will disappear at any second. I am simply mesmerized.

It was as if I had forgotten. Forgotten everything about him. And I'm just that moment. It felt real. This mesmerizing dream that I am oh so captivated in. I am simply in his arms. The way I had always wanted to be.

"This moment will be but a forgotten memory in my dreams, so please don't ruin it by leaving," I tell him. "Why are you so different now?" I asked.

"You were different before as well," He says. "You ruined everything by leaving," He states.

"If I had stayed would I have died?" I asked. He stays quiet. "Illumi why did you barely remember? Why did you barely bring this up? Weren't we getting along?" I ask. Once again He stays silent. "I thought we were just forgetting or choosing to forget together?" I ask. His silence utterly speaks for him. "You're so pathetic," I say as i finally get off of him and walk away.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Im gonna go get my fucking badge," I say. As I walk away.

Who the hell does he think he is? That night was so long ago. 3 years ago is a long time for some people.

I then go and search for Pokkle. I eventually find him. I try and calm myself down. I wasn't in the mood for anything. He was lying low. I then go behind him. "Hiya cutie~" I say.

He then flinches and turns around. "Oh hey (y/n)," Pokkle stutters.

"Hey! You have something I need," I smile.

"You got my number?" He asks. He was scared. You can tell. I nod at his answer.

"I don't really want to do this but if I want to get my license like I told my brother I was gonna do then I have to," I smile.

"Wait! There are three brothers. They're always together! Try taking theirs!" He gives me an idea.

"Oohhh more people~ Well it would make it more interesting. Hmm alright more prey it is then~" I say.

"So you're gonna leave me alone?" Pokkle asks. I smile at him and nod.

"Yeah but if I don't find them then I'll take yours," I say. "Bye bye cutie," I wink at him. I then leave. "When there's too much drama at school all you got do is walk away~" I sang just as terribly as that girl.

I then hear something. I became cautious. There was someone behind me. I walk left. They seem to be following me. I then start running. They run after me. I then suddenly 'trip'. I scream and fall into the river.

"Shit I got wet," I mumble. I get up from the river and walk to land. I take off my now wet shirt. "I know you're there. Just come out and stop being a coward," I say. I could barely see in the dark like this.

"Well I'm not being a coward it's more like me being cautious," A guy said. He had shoulder length black hair. He was wearing a green long sleeved shirt with a brown vest. And some grey pants.

"You're number 89 am I correct?" I asked.

"You are correct. By the way I'll be taking your badge, 45," The guy smirks.

"Actually I'll be taking yours you asshole," I say. I take out the daggers in my bag. "Oh shit wait can I put my shirt back on? Can you turn around please?" I ask. The guy finally notices me not wearing a shirt.

"Oh yeah sure sorry," He said. I put my shirt back on.

"Thank you. That is actually so sweet of you. Like you would not believe my luck with guys recently," I tell him.

"Nah youre good," He says.

"Alright you can turn around again!!" I say. He turns around and looks ready for a fight. He uses like these smoke bombs. He's right behind me. Shit I can't dodge that in time. I grab his arm and twist it. He screams in pain.

"You bitch!" The guy yells and tries to punch me with his other hand. Hey he seems like a hardcore feminist. I slightly scratch him, deeply with my daggers. He screams in pain.

"I'm not gonna kill you. Just give me your badge," I say.

"Not a chance," He says.

"Dude I said I'm not gonna kill you. But if I have to I will," I say as I step on his face. "Should I kick your face until you can barely notice it? Should I leave it here so it can rot?" I smirk. As I put my shoe over his face ready to bash it in.

"Alright alright! I give up! Here my badge!" The guy said as he surrenders and gives me his badge.

"Thank you! I then leave him there. "Bye bye old man!" I smile. I walk away from him. Maybe I wasn't in such a bad mood as I thought. Eh whatever. I just need to stop thinking about him. And that fucking night. I can't believe he had recognized me. Shit. Why did it take him so long to recognize as well? Or had he known the entire time. I mean I still went by (y/n) so it's not surprise.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2023 ⏰

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