Chapter 6

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"You two will have to fight," Said the man.

I look at Illumi. "What an interesting turn of events," I say. "Will this be to the death?" I ask.

"Not each other, you will be fighting a very skilled hunter, if you survive after 8 hours you may leave, if you kill them you may also leave, but if the hunter puts these bracelets on you will die," Is all the man said.

"Seems simple enough," I say as I prepare myself. "Are we actually allowed to fight hunters even if we aren't yet? Also doesn't this seem kinda unfair since we aren't that experienced?" I asked Illumi.

"It's fine, just don't get in my way," He told me. I sighed. I sat down and waited. The hunter man did have a lot of experience. You can feel this massive strength he had. I smile.

"So this is who I'm fighting? I feel offended," The hunter said.

"The feeling is mutual you giant waste of air," I said. That seemed to get him mad.

"Are you even fighting little girl?" He asked. I got up and smiled.

"Hey illumi don't you worry your pretty little face, I'll get this done in 5 minutes. Time me," Is all I said. 

"Your fight begins now," The bald man said. My opponent laughs as he is one minute not where he's at. I know he's behind me. I know he's going to kick me and I'll go flying. But I won't be too badly injured. I have no actual reaction time. So I brace for impact and as soon as I felt it I smirked. I do go flying and rol on the ground slightly.

"You hit like a boy," I scoff as I get up. I do the same he does but instead I have my dagger. He has a much more fast reaction time than I do. He tries to block me but it's too late. This match was over.

I watch the blood fall on his neck. "Impressive," Illumi said. I bring out a bigger weapon, a machete and put him out of his misery. "Why put him out of his misery?" He asked.

"Its hard to watch as they beg for their life, gets the job done," I say simply, coldly. We go on and we find out we find out we have one more task to do.

"Choose between these two cards, choose wisely," Is all the man said. 

"Which one do you think it is?" I asked.

"The one on the right,"  He said.

"I agree," I say. I could easily find out. I bring out a card. "7 of hearts," I say. "So we're right!" I smile. I go and grab it.

"Ding ding ding!" The man said.  "You may now pass," Was all he said. Before we went illumi grabbed my arm.

"Y/n before we go I'm curious. What is your nen type?" He asked. He knows. Shit. Fuck fuck fuck. Fucking shit. Calm down y/n there's no way he knows. Oh God I hope he doesn't know.

"Please let go of me," I state seriously.

"Why are you like this? Just tell me," He says. His grip becomes tighter. His voice as silent as ever. Why does he look so fucking calm. What the actual fuck?

"You're such a freak illumi you know that right?" I asked trying to get away.

"It was you that night wasn't it?" He asked.

"I don't know what you're fucking talking about," I say.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about," Illumi said his blank expression, his words hitting me like my own fucking daggers. I'm scared, terrified. I feel so paralyzed. My breathing feeling weirder.

"What the fuck did you do to me?" I asked. "Illumi please stop," I pleaded. "I don't know what you're talking about please let go of me," I cried out. I sighed. This wasn't working. I ended up kicking illumi in the face. In the doing so he broke my arm. I laughed. "You mother fucker," I scoff.

"Tell me what I want to know about the l/n family," He states.

"They're all fucking dead thanks to you Fuckers," I say laughing. "You God damn murderers," I say very seriously. He eventually let's go of me. "And here I thought we were becoming friends," I say smiling.

"We will never be that," He states.

"Try that shit again and you're dead," I tell him smiling. For a moment I thought I saw some sort of fear, but it returns back to the blank expression.

"Unlikely," He states.


Hiiii um so I really didn't expect anyone to actually like this fic. I'll try and update a bit more. I've actually had chapters 7-15 made already but I'm going to be editing them.

Please be patient and thank you for reading and liking this book. Commenting is great as well. I'll try and respond to all of them.

You guys are so sweet and funny. Next chapter might come out maybe next week hopefully. But do keep in mind that I'm not as into the anime as I was back then. I might rewatch it to get you guys better chapters.

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