Chapter 4

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Phase two then began. We were suppose to go make some pork or something like that. "Ahhh!!" Gon and his friends yelled. I laugh at them as they pass me and then I noticed the pigs were coming right at me.

"Son of a-" I start to run behind them. We all try but then Gon finds out their weak spot.

I use my blade and aimed it at their forehead. I then killed one and took it. "You're gonna be cooking," Menchi said. Buhara just smiled and waited.

"So we're gonna cook huh?" I asked.

"Do you know how to cook?" Hisoka asks.


"Don't...Ever...Cook...Ever...Again," Feitan said as he spit out the food I had prepared.

"If you ever have to cook to save your life. Just die," Machi said.

"It wasn't that bad. You guys are just over exaggerating it to make her feel bad," Shalnark said.

"which is why I gave them the burnt part," I say in a huff.

"It's all burnt!!" Machi said. I stick my tongue out at her like a little kid.

"It's actually pretty good kid. You still need to work on it though. You suck," Uvo said

"All I did was make scrambled eggs!!" I say. Even so they all looked utterly disgusted by my food.

"" Feitan asked.

"Leave me alone T^T," I told him.


"Not my specialty," I say with a plain face saying that I've done dumb things while cooking.

"Huh really? With all those knives I would've thought so," Gittarackur said.

"Nope," I say. I then get to work. I start by cutting the pig into smaller pieces instead of just cooking it first hand like the other. I had some salt and season it. (Idk how to cook T-T).

I do the rest and make sure to try and add something. I decorated it with little flowers on the side.

I present the plate too both of them. Buhara ate it happily. "You pass," Buhara said.

"Huh this actually looks appealing," Meanchi said. She had ate some. "It's good but you added way too much salt. I can barely taste anything," She told me. "You failed," She said .

I sigh and welcome defeat with open arms. I plop down on the grass. "I wish to commit die!!" I mumble.

"I see. She's picky," Hisoka said. He stared at the examiners as though he had the urge to kill.

"All of you fail!" Menchi said.

"Haha I'm a failure at life and cooking," I laugh at my own depression. "So I guess I'm gonna go die," I tell Hisoka.

"Not yet," Hisoka said. He looked aroused. I then climb on pin heads back in fear.

"All of the children run! There's a fucking pedo clown here!!" I screech.

"Is this your ability? To be annoying?" Pin head said.

"Not really. You see I'm a-" I was gonna explain but then there was this grandpa who fell from the sky. "Guess gramps has fallen and can't get up. Oohh I truly hate myself," I say.

We have to do something else for phase 2. Get eggs. It seemed simple. Oh wait they were spider eagle eggs. Oh my acrophobia could never. Heights aren't my thing. But I have to pass this.

I jump and I felt myself falling. I forgot to grab onto a sting oh shit. Just then I felt a hand grab me. I see that I was pin head. "Thanks pin head," I smile. I see that he just has an amused face. He let's go of me so we could jump. I try and not look down.

I grab an egg and that was that. We all boiled it. I have mine to the big guy who seemed to enjoy it when Gon gave him some. "Since you didn't get any. I don't really like boiled eggs," I say. He then thanks me.

"You're so sneaky sometimes~," Hisoka said.

"All I did was put some sleeping pills," I said as I shrug. He just smirks. For our next challenge we have to go on a blimp.

We get on the aircraft. They show us To some rooms. I stay with Hisoka. But I decide to walk around for a bit.

"Stay with Hisoka. Got it," Chrollo said. I nod

'Does he want me to keep an eye on Hisoka because he doesn't trust him? We've known him for a few years though. Maybe he doesn't trust me to look out for myself,' I thought. I was deep in thought. I didn't notice I bumped into someone.

"Oh sorry I wasn't paying attention," I mumble and continue to walk.

Illumi's POV

"Oh sorry I wasn't paying attention," (Y/n) Said as she continues walking.

"Hmm," I glance at her and continue to walk. I meet up with Hisoka. "Can I ask a question?" I asked.

"Sure~" Hisoka said.

"What's the story with (Y/n)?" I asked.

"Oh~ I haven't told you?" He asked.

"No you haven't," I say. I then lock the door. I take off the pins and change into my normal face. He has an amused face. "That's better," I say.

"Well I don't know much about her either. All I know is that her family was killed and she was the only one who survived. She was then enslaved and kidnapped as a child. She went with the phantom troupe. But she isn't an official member of the troupe," Hisoka tells me.

"Hmm~" I hum. She interests me. I'm not very certain why but there's something about her. It's very familiar but I can't seem to find out why?

"Oh~ What's this?~ Did you catch feelings for her?" Hisoka asked.

"Not in the slightest," I say. I put my pins back and walk away from this conversation.

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