Chapter 7

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"Hmm I wonder what Illumi and (y/n) are doing?" Hisoka thought out loud as he sighed. "I wonder if they got stuck together or if they're dead," He thinks out loud. He sighs bored but patient.

With the phantom troupe it was no different. All of them were so bored. Chrollo seemed rather bored as well.

"Boss I'm sure she's ok," Machi gave him a reassuring smile.

He just sighs and closes his book. "We're gonna steal all of those things from that auction (y/n) told us about," Chrollo said. The others just nod.

"How Do We know that she's not dead?" Phinks asked. Everybody gave him a glare. "Geez i was just asking," He said.

"You...Know...What...Happens," Feitan said as he draws a card.

"Yeah yeah we kill whatever killed her. But she isn't a real troupe member," Uvo said. That earned a couple of angry looks and other slightly agreeing looks.

"That maybe true but we still care for her no?" Poku asked. They all nod in agreement.

"It isn't up for much debate then," Shizuku states.

"You can all go do whatever you want. By the way where's the rest?" Phinks asked.

"Out gathering either information or stuff," Chrollo said. They just nod. "They'll be back soon. Once Y/n comes back the plan is in motion," He states.

Your POV

We find the door and walk out. I see hisoka is the first there. I wave and smile at him.

"2nd to arrive 305. 3rd to arrive 45!" The announcer says.

"I should've expected you being first, Hisoka," Pin head said.

"Hisoka!!" I say cheerfully. I run up to him and hide behind him. I didn't want to talk to pin head anymore. I was very tired of his face.

"Hmm~You two seemed to have gotten along~" Hisoka said.

"Youre making that weird face again!" I yell as I got up and moved slightly away from him. I sit on the ground. "Yo Hisoka Imma take a nap. Wake me up and you'll lose a finger," I smile as I then lay on the ground and fall asleep.

I wake up due to a loud noise. I quickly tie that person up and fall back asleep.

After about 5 hours or so there were a few more people. "Oh you're awake," A guy with really pretty eyebrows and he was also bald. He was tied up somehow.

"Huh? Why are you tied up?" I asked curiously. "Do you need help?" I ask as I take my pocket knife out. He flinched and then I take cut the rope and help him up.

"You know for such a short person you really are strong," The guy said. I then kick him in the dick.

"Don't call me short," I say. He freezes and then falls down in pain. "Yo Hisoka how much more time?" I asked Hisoka as I go near him.

"Oh. Hmmm I don't know. I think 62 more," He said. I nod.

"Do you have anything to drink?" I asked.

"Didnt you have some water on you?" He asked.

"Oh yeah huh," i say as i drink some. I'm not like Hisoka or most hunters. I need food and water at least every 2 days. Hisoka has told me he can last up to at a week with no water and food and told me some hunters go weeks without it. Which encouraged me to try and not need it as much and limit my supply. But my limit is two days with no food. And only a couple of hours without water.

I start to hum to some music I have stuck in my head. More time passes by. I take naps here and there. For some reason people keep getting caught in rope.

After a few more hours. It turns out there's only one more hour. "Come on Killua, Gon, Kurapika, And Leorio," I mumble.

More time gets wasted. "There's only one more minute. I think it's safe to assume that we're the only-" I got cut off as the door opens revealing Killua, Kurapika and Gon. "You guys made it..I guess Leorio isn't with you guys?" I ask.

They smile and the Leorio and Tonpa come out. "(Y/n)!" They all say. I smile.

"Tonpa go suck a butt!!" I stick my middle finger at him. "Asshole," I say.

"Here take your freaking money," Tonpa gave me 20 bucks.

"You betted on us?" Killua asks. I rub my neck sheepishly. "Idiot," Killua said.

We all move on. Apparently we're gonna do a little scavenger hunt or something. I notice that I got number 53. Oh it's Pokkle. We get on a ship. "I think I'm gonna puke," I say feeling sea sick.

"Don't puke now!!" Killua yelled at me.

I hold on to that rail thing. "Get me off!! I'd rather- Bwah-" I puke.

"Eww!!! (Y/n)!!" Leorio said.

"Alright I feel much-" I say trying not to vomit again. "I'm ok!" I say as I fall to the floor.I then start crawling. I go to where Hisoka is.

"Let me guess you wasted all you water?" Hisoka asked.

"I have water!!" I say as I look through my bag and drink some. "Eww," I say.

"Feeling seasick is nothing to be embarrassed of," He smiles.

"Shut up or I'll puke on you," I threaten. He seemed amused and laughed at me.

"You're so weak," Illumi said. Not even a few minutes later i threw up on him.

Love That Isn't so Forbidden (Illumi x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now