That blonde girl

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3 weeks later...

I have gone to tryouts for quidditch and they were hesitant too let me join, since I'm a girl (half the quidditch team is against letting a girl in because of 'tradition', the other half don't care, guess which side is winning), but I've been watching quidditch since I was born, and I need some way to impress my parents so they think I'm better than my brother, so guess who's in the team now? Me.

Oh, I have a story to tell you!

After all my classes on Monday, I ran out of potions to catch this blonde girl I really wanted to talk too. She was the most beautiful person I had ever seen, I've never found anyone attractive before, but there was something about this girl.

"Hey," I chased to her side, she was walking alone towards the Ravenclaw common room.

She looked over at me, slightly confused. "Hello,l her voice was so light, "are you Ells Malfoy?" I smiled, she knew who I was! I've never been so excited for someone to know who I am before.

"Yes, I am. What's your name?"

"Luna Lovegood. Do you need something?"

"No, I just... wanted to ask you how you found potions?"

"It was good, although the professor is incredibly slow, don't you think so?"

"I- hah, yes, I suppose he is." I chuckled, I'd never speak again Snape, I wouldn't risk it, but just hearing someone else say it was enough. "Do you want to come to the hall to do the homework with me?"

"I was going to write a letter to my father-"

"Oh, well, I need to do that too! We could do that together?"

"I don't see why not." She smiled... okay, so now I need to write a letter to my father... what have I gotten myself into?

I don't even care, she was so interesting and nice, I didn't know what to do!

I met her back in the hall and we sat across from each other while we wrote our letters, it's true I never sent mine and instead put it inside my drawer with the rest of my letters in too scared to send.


We walked to dinner together, but just as we walked in, I saw my brother and another girl. I let Luna walk in and stopped outside thr doorway.

"What are you doing with a Ravenclaw?!" The girl exclaimed.

Luna looked back at me awkwardly, I just shrugged and she kept walking it.

"Really? Well, it could be worse, but we really do stay in our own houses." Draco told me.

"Draco, it's a Ravenclaw like you said, just let her be." This girl with him said, clearly annoyed, he walked away.

"Hi, I'm Rosie, you must be his sister, Ells, I have wanted too talk too you for so long, Draco has told me lots about you!" She seemed so happy... she seems very un-Slytherin for a Slytherin, especially one around Draco.

"Umm, thank you for that, I just..." I stuttered. "He can be awful to deal with."

"No don't think about it, no one wants a bitchy brother. We should talk more at dinner?"

"I'm not talking to him." Pointing to Draco, mumbling to his friends, probably crying about how in friends with a Ravenclaw.

"We're totally going be friends" She said, linking our arms. It's going to be nice to have a friend in Slytherin, I love this house but unfortunately being secretive and staying in your own group is an annoying trait.

"I saw the way you looked at that girl." Rosie whispered to me while chuckling.

"What?" I turned to her.

"You have a crush."

"No, I don't! What are you talking about?"

"Mhm, sure." She smiled and laughed as we saw on the benches waiting for dinner to start.

I've never found anyone attractive and I've never crush so I wouldn't know how it feels...

Is this how it feels?


Last edited 31st May 2022

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