Cedric Diggory

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Awhile later........
Hogwarts had been rebuilt, I had been too to many funerals and the sadness was a lot. I had been in the centre of all this for so long and I have too say the break of not being scared all the time was nice. My family had been getting a little more normal now, we were never going too be the same again but it was more normal than before, the Malfoys had been forgiven for everything because our mother lied about Harry being dead and because I died too kill Voldemort, but me and Draco had too do community service because we where part of Dumbledore's death. (Ugh.) All of us (the ones who were included with Dumbledore's death) had too rebuild and re decorate the house common room, it's very big and was very destroyed so it wasn't easy. Anyway, your probably wondering why this chapter is called Cedric Diggory, well I have a very good reason.

Nakayi, along time ago, when the Tri wizard tournament was on, fell in love with him. They became close, and me and Cedric became great friends. Everyone thought he was dead, me and Nakyai included until one weird afternoon. It was Christmas holiday and I had started my last year, Draco had gone out too work for the minestry, Rosie works with him, and they are engaged now. (We all saw that coming.) me and Luna were in a relationship, and we all were so much more happy! Me and Nakayi where wondering round Hogsmead and we where holding our coffee and I suggested walking into the forest. We weren't really meant too go in there but we where 7th years now, we would be fine?
"Come on!"
"Ells, just because Draco isn't here doesn't mean you can do whatever you want!"
"We faced Voldemort, we'll be fine!" I said grabbing her hand and pulling her into the snowy trees. We trudged along the frosty ground for a little bit until we came too a big tree.
"Let's climb it!" I say.
"No, Ells Malfoy. I am not letting you break more bones, we may have fought Voldemort but that did not include climbing trees!"
"Well I'm doing it!" I started too climb. I put my foot on a branch and pulled myself up while Nakayi watched in disbelief.
"Ells, come down now!" Nakayi shouted, she sounded very nervous.
"Neveeee" my foot slipped on the branch and I fell down, I thought my head would hit the hard tree and then the cold ground but it didn't? I was caught by someone, but it wasn't Nakayi? I had closed my eyes but I felt someone catch me, who, who else was there?

"Hay, hay, you need to be more careful!" I opened my eyes and a very pale boy said. He put me back on my feet and Nakayi came over. I thought I knew him but I wasn't sure, I couldn't put my finger on it.
"What's your name?" Nakayi asked him.
"Edward, my names Edward." He said, I knew he was wrong though.
"Where did you come from?" I asked.
"Oh, I was just stumbling around the forest and saw you, I don't come round here ever, not too the edge of the forest."
"Do you know what's round here?" I pointed to the way of Hogsmead.
"No, like I said, I haven't been round here before!" He laughed, and that was the moment I realised who he was.
"Cedric?" I say.
"Who?" He said confused.
"Cedric Diggory, Hufflepuff house, Tri-Wizard tournament contestant! You died, so how are you here?" I quickly said.
"S'cuse me?" He smiled and said, he was obviously confused. Nakayi smiled and looked at me, then back at him.
"Cedric? Is that really you?" She put her hand on his face.
"I'm so sorry, but you must have the wrong person." He took her hand of his face.
"Sorry Edward, can you just stay here for a second." I say while taking Nakayi's hand and pulling her to the opposite side of the tree.

"That's......that's Cedric!" She cried.
"No it isn't."
"Yes it is, that so clearly is! He looks exactly like him, talks like him, just doesn't act like him."
"I think he is, but obviously he doesn't remember anything, I don't know how he survived, I was there, I saw him die, and yet he is here?"
"What do we do?" She eagerly said.
"His memory, that's what's gone, he isn't Cedric until he has his memory back."
"Then How??????" She jumped.
"Something strong maybe, something too jump his memory!"
"Ells, this isn't a story, we should find something proper too get his memory back."
"Well we have too try!" I say running back over too him.
"Who?" He asked.
"Cedric Diggory, Hufflepuff, Captain of the Quiddich team, Nakayi's boyfriend. Can't you remember anything?" I said as Nakayi slowly walked over to him.
"Ced, I need you too try."
"I'm sorry but you have the wrong person." He looked around. I had an idea, I could take a memory from me and give it too him, we just need his memory too start up again. I put my wand too my head and started too take out the memory of us, me and Cedric didn't talk much but since I was in the last round we talked a little bit, about him and Nakayi, about me and life, it was nice, and hopefully it would be strong enough. After I did this the memory will be more faint for me but it's worth it.

"What are you doing?" He said.
"Nothing, nothing." I said while taking it away from my head, I quickly put it too his head before he could stop it. He fell too the floor and me and Nakayi knelt down next too him.
"You think it worked?" She asked me.
"Let's hope." He opened his eyes a few minutes later and sat up.
"Uh, where am I?" He looked around.
"Cedric?" Nakayi said.
"Nakayi?" She smiled, it worked, we think.
"Cedric!" So...they kissed. Totally forgot I was there.
"Uh, ok?" I said laughing.
"Ells? What happened?"
"You died, well I thought you did! 4 years ago Voldemort came back, he is gone now, and they killed you! I have no idea how your here though?"
"How long has it been?"
"4 years! And I saw you die, how are you here?"
"It's a long story, and I'm really cold." We walked back to Hogwarts together and everyone had no idea what they where seeing, I was still in shock but after what I had seen it wasn't that crazy.

Nakayi and Cedric where happy together and his family where ecstatic, I was happy too he is so nice and Nakayi really deserved someone as amazing as him!

Still got more haha....

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